I propose to abolish, or at least radically reduce, the taxation of recourse and Christmas bonuses. It seems to me unfair and, above all, greedy to take tax from a 'gift' to a worker. I do not understand what the recourse and the Christmas bonus have to do with the pension fund, apart from the fact that it is replenished in this way, as I am not aware that these two incomes are also taken into account when the pension is paid. As for the other contributions, I understand and do not mind. Tax on the recourse; out of 1804,40€ gross, the State takes 457,08€ in taxes???? 27,59% of the tax is taken from the worker who would have spent the money anyway, and the State would have taken 22% of the VAT.... 15.50% you take for the pension and disability fund? Instead of leaving at least that to the worker, so that he can buy something, maybe afford something more, get out of arrears, in your greed and impatience you take it away, even though this tax does not entitle the worker to any bonus. What's more, you hit him harder on income tax. So I propose that the pension and disability surcharge be abolished and that the tax be abolished or reduced to a maximum of 5%.