I propose that the Government, on the basis of Article 3 of the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, adopt the State Share Act, on the basis of which it will be able to carry out all the necessary reforms to raise the profits of the economy to a level that will enable the State to service all its obligations to creditors on an ongoing basis, thus avoiding a Greek scenario or a bankruptcy without social upheaval. This is because a monthly dividend from the profit tax, equal for all, will compensate all citizens for the increase in the cost of the social minimum that will be incurred by raising VAT to the maximum rate, without which the budget balance can no longer be balanced to a zero deficit. The rationale for the creation of the State Share Act (further arguments can be found by typing "state share" into web browsers or in the book Healthy Salt)) - A democratic state is a society whose capital is owned equally, jointly and non-transferably by all its equal citizens. - A State share is a document that guarantees the owner permanent management rights and a fixed monthly dividend. - The owner of a State share is every citizen of the State. - A State share has no par value. - A State share shall not be transferable. - The source and measure of the dividend is the tax on the profits of all companies in the country as a whole. - The rate of tax on profits is set by the Bank of the State. - The profit tax is collected in an account with the Bank of State. - Dividends per share of the State are paid by the State Bank.