I propose the following measures to save the health budget. Basic and supplementary insurance should be taken over exclusively by the Health Insurance Fund. All health institutions (hospitals, health centres, etc.) should become branches of the Health Insurance Fund. In this way, the financing of health care facilities becomes the responsibility of the health insurance body, which directly receives the insurance premiums. Each health establishment should explain in its business and accounting reports the amount it spent on its operations in the previous year (salaries, electricity, organisation, small materials, etc.) On this basis, the Zzzs will assess all health establishments with the funds needed to operate. Whatever money is left over, zzzs calls for tenders for the renovation of health facilities or the purchase of more expensive equipment, so that the health facility most in need of renovation or new expensive equipment. Would also come up with it. The zzzs would provide funds through insurance premiums, sponsors and donors. (As a donation to the zzzs, also a form of financial punishment of convicts who have been sentenced to a fine related to human health. ) Health care institutions would also raise funds from donations and sponsors for their own needs. A very important part of this is also the austerity policy for the treatment of immobile patients. First of all, it would be necessary to identify palliative patients, who would not be subjected to any interventions, would be guaranteed a pain-free state and would die with dignity in a pleasant environment. Patients who are immobile and have no chance of improving their condition would be treated in a similar way to palliative patients. (example: an immobile patient would not be given an antibiotic on an antibiotic) Specifically for antibiotics, it would be necessary to write a standard in which cases it is no longer reasonable to use them. It would also help a lot to implement a plan on specialisation of hospitals for certain interventions (not all hospitals would do everything. So only certain procedures would be done in one hospital, and on a much larger scale. The level of the premium for compulsory and supplementary insurance would be set according to the previous year's needs, plus 10% just in case. Everyone would pay the same for basic insurance (so that 80% of the money needed to run health facilities would be covered). Additional insurance would be paid according to the amount of income from the previous year. Each year, the DURS would give each citizen a document proving which pay scale the individual belongs to according to the income shown on the tax return. This document could also be the basis for the payment of fines.