My proposal is to transfer the management of student work from student services to the state. -As a consequence, the State would directly receive in its budget the benefits that the Student Services currently receive from student work. - on this basis, the payment of income tax for students could be abolished - these charges would provide more funding for various subsidies to students (food, accommodation, etc.). Why not limit how much a student can work equally for all: - simply before the start of the new school year, students would have to prove how successful they have been (e.g. passing at least 50% of the exams in the academic year) in case they have done, for example, more than 720 hours of student work in the previous year (consequences: not being able to do student work in the following year, having to be successful in the course of their studies in order to have a chance of getting back, or not being able to repeat the course, for example, if they have been doing it for longer than the general limit). To conclude, success would be rewarded as the possibility to do student work throughout the school year. As for graduates not having a job, I would make it impossible for graduates to have a job where they are required to graduate in a certain discipline, which displaces the job opportunities for people who have completed their studies. This would avoid delaying student status and, in my opinion, improve the quality of studies and make it impossible for frivolous candidates to take up registration places and "student jobs". Addendum: It would be possible to draft better quality reforms on student work if one wanted to. A little stricter conditions, some more concrete controls and the problem would be solved. "It is cheaper and easier to lower the speed limit than to replace the asphalt on the road"