There has been a flood of offers from companies to work as a temp or as an Ltd. for ordinary jobs such as working in a shop, a travel agency, as a driver, ... People are thus forced to open a sp, even if they don't want to and have no entrepreneurial activity, no intention or idea of entrepreneurial activity, in order to get a job. With this form of work, the worker loses a lot, i.e. paid leave, the possibility of being fired, and thus the opportunity for employers to mob and intimidate. Every person deserves a decent job and a real contract for work. These forms of work put people in an impossible position and are significantly worse than fixed-term and regular employment contracts. We all deserve a contract of employment, a notice period, the rights that come with a contract of employment (regular/fixed-term). Let me mention the disadvantage of working through sp and ltd: If your employer dismisses you as an outsourcer and you only work for him because you have opened a sp for him, you close the sub-branch in order not to pay extra costs, and then you may have to open a sp again. I think people should be spared this kind of stress. Sp is a suitable form of work for companies that provide their specific, purely professional services to a number of companies, for example: ceramics, electrical installation and so on. It is difficult to count here the work of a salesperson, for example.