I made this proposal 5 years ago and I repeat it because nothing has happened. Not a single smart traffic light in Ljubljana. Not a single traffic light with a recommended speed. "I propose that traffic lights be retrofitted to allow better use of the green wave, thus better flow through junctions, less time wasted, lower emissions of harmful gases, lower fuel expenditure, less nervousness .... One such option is the installation of signs (traffic lights) with the recommended speed at which drivers should drive to reach the next green light. Since traffic lights (at least in Ljubljana) are mostly interconnected, this would not be a major problem. As a point of interest, about 40 years ago, a similar traffic light stood behind the junction of Slovenska and Zoisova, indicating whether drivers should drive at 40, 50 or 60 km/h to get to the green light at Šubičeva. As there is no stopping and starting again, the flow is much higher. The second option (along with the first) is to install equipment that uses sensors to identify the traffic load in certain directions and adjusts the length of the traffic light intervals accordingly. Thus, today, we often see a green light in a direction without a single vehicle, but in the cross direction there are opaque queues. Such sensors in the ground have already been installed in some places, and optical sensors could also be added to place the equipment in the busiest directions. SW would also need to be optimised accordingly." "The Ministry of Transport's response The Ministry of Transport is committed to ensuring that the traffic arrangements on our roads are such as to ensure, first and foremost, the greatest possible safety for all road users, while at the same time ensuring greater traffic flow, which is increasing year on year. That is why we are also monitoring the development of technological solutions and trying to apply them as soon as possible on our road network. Operators are already installing modern technical means on national roads (including at junctions) to increase traffic flow and, as a result, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and reduce road user ill-feeling. It is a fact that not everything can be done at once, but our activities are certainly targeted at the most congested environments in particular. In cities, roads are largely owned and managed by municipal operators. This means that the traffic regime on these roads is also determined by the municipal operators. However, the Ministry of Transport is also aware of the issues you have raised in your initiative, which is why we started some time ago to work as closely as possible with local communities, as we believe that it is necessary to create a friendly and safe traffic environment for road users, regardless of who manages a particular road in public use. In view of the above, we will first and foremost present your initiative to the Municipality of Ljubljana, which you mentioned in your letter, and appeal to their competent authorities with a view to studying the matter and putting it into practice, as our common goal must be first and foremost safe road traffic, which, while still meeting all safety standards, ensures adequate mobility for users."