Following the recent, or still current, VW emissions-rigging scandal, it has now officially emerged that the Vehicle Type Approval is a completely untrustworthy document. The figures quoted in the type-approval do not correspond to the actual figures. In particular, these are the figures relating to emissions and fuel consumption. The figures usually vary by high percentages, which is already misleading to customers and is also a misleading state of environmental pollution. I propose that verification of the information given in the type-approval certificate be introduced and that appropriate sanctions for irregularities be introduced in the form of criminal and material liability for the manufacturer. Every type of vehicle should be checked before it enters the market. In addition to the above, the misled buyer should have the unconditional possibility of claiming the vehicle, within a statutory period longer than the traditional warranty period (I propose a period of at least 5 years from the first registration), if it turns out that the emissions and consumption deviate from the advertised (homologated).