I summarise and build on the initiative, which has already been mentioned several times in various places, to introduce a secondary school subject of the household and home economics type, supplementing and defining it more precisely. The first aid course is taken by most pupils, but only at the age of 18-19 as part of the driving test, and is not compulsory. They do receive some content on safe road use and moderate entertainment as part of health and sex education, but not enough. I therefore believe that first aid skills should be included as a matter of urgency in the regular curriculum of all secondary schools or Year 9. Furthermore, I would add general (applied) cross-curricular skills in housekeeping and asset management to the subject content, which is also a compromise for all those who moan that secondary school content is 'too life-oriented', with which I strongly disagree - the integration of these skills from different subjects should also be sensibly supported by chapters from related subjects (statistics, interest calculus, depreciation calculations, etc.) The subject content should also be integrated with the skills from different subjects. I would also add to the subjects knowledge and skills in the handling of chemicals and safe work in the laboratory, chemical and radiological protection and aviation protection, or as the list below illustrates. The course is taught by several professors depending on the field. For example, the scope is the 1st semester of the 1st year, the discussion also includes the 2nd semester of the 9th year. 1. FIRST AID - helping the unconscious, helping the drowning, helping the poisoned, helping the intoxicated, helping the electroshocked, dermatological assistance, wound dressing, ejection of foreign bodies, basic resuscitation procedures 2. TRAFFIC SAFETY - demonstration of the consequences of not wearing a seat belt, the effect of speed in a collision, the effect of weather parameters on braking distances, the effect of equipment parameters on braking distances, the effect of driver parameters on reaction times and field of vision, securing the scene of an accident, economical driving, sustainable vehicle maintenance, sustainable forms of transport 3. CIVIL PROTECTION - fire, earthquake and flood safety with prevention and procedures 4. BODY PROTECTION - dermatological, radiological and physical protection and self-defence against minor (theft) and serious offences (sexual assault) and safety at work 5. TERRITORIAL PROTECTION - dealing with chemical, radiological, aerial attack or territorial occupation, military strategy and the system of command in the Republic of Slovenia, knowledge of defensive techniques with defensive weapons and air rifle marksmanship 6. CHEMICAL PROTECTION - handling of chemicals, safe work in the laboratory, storage and handling of chemical agents 7. HOME ECONOMY EDUCATION - economical use of household appliances, energy efficient practices, energy efficiency measures, energy and the environment 8. PARENTING EDUCATION - selected chapters on reproductive biology, knowledge of medicines and vaccines and modern methods of educational psychology 9. LEGAL EDUCATION - constitutional arrangements, indirect democracy and the electoral system of the Republic of Slovenia, civic rights and duties, tax policy, household paperwork, online banking and home economics