If a company changes its registered office, it gets a new registration number, which requires it to deregister all employees under the previous registration number and register all employees under the new registration number, which is a lot of work, especially for companies with a large number of employees - in our case, 250 employees. In addition, for foreigners who have 098 family members insured under them, all of them have to be de-registered under the previous registration number and all 098 family members have to be re-registered under the new registration number. There is a big problem here, because our health insurance institution has to send the forms to the Bosnian Health Insurance Institution for approval, so the matter took 2 months and more, and the family members were not insured during this time and had to pay for the health services themselves, which is a big cost for these people. Often the Bosnian Health Insurance Institute also claimed that they had not received the forms from the Slovenian Health Insurance Institute, even though our Health Insurance Institute had sent them, which further complicated the matter. We have also received information that in one of the major Slovenian companies, over 1000 people had to be de-registered and re-registered in this way. This is unnecessary work, and it cannot be done within the legal time limit of 8 days, because in order to carry out such a large amount of work, you need a whole battalion of people to 'fill in all the necessary forms'. For this reason, we propose that a company should have a single registration number from incorporation to dissolution, regardless of whether it changes its registered office, company name, etc. We believe that this can be done, or if the Health Insurance Institute is unable to do this because of outdated IT, let the IT people put their heads together and sort it out. There is certainly a solution and we employers are looking forward to it, because it will save us a whole lot of unnecessary work or administration.