Dear Sir or Madam! I am proposing an amendment to the Parental Care and Family Benefits Act, as it discriminates against self-employed persons who carry out activities within the framework of a sole proprietorship and in similar forms (independent professions, e.g. a private doctor with a concession). If such a person has 4 children, he/she cannot benefit from the State's contributions under Article 52 of the PPLA, unless he/she closes his/her s.p. (This was the CSD's explanation). This is not viable as it is logical that they also have s.p.-If the mother (the business operator) wants to stay at home for e.g. 1 additional year after the birth of the child (in addition to the 1 year of parental leave), she would have to close the s.p. Which of course she cannot, as the s.p. is not a business. Such a mother of four is therefore prevented from leaving the labour market for a certain period of time because of parenthood, or she can only do so if she takes on all the costs herself (including the payment of all contributions). She is thus discriminated against in relation to other mothers who are not self-employed, a circumstance which, in my view, does not constitute a constitutionally permissible ground for discrimination. I therefore propose an immediate amendment to the law.