I think the government should be thinking along the lines of removing freight traffic from the motorways and switching it to rail, as Switzerland did a few years ago. There would be less congestion on the roads and motorways, less poorly done repairs and less crumbling of the roads around the houses. I can tell you from my own experience that lorries are a big problem. Especially when overtaking, when there is a long queue behind them. This would be a financial gain for the railways and also for the government, because it would not be necessary to invest so much taxpayers' money in further road repairs. I also propose that the motorway be rebuilt in 'sectors'. So if one section of the highway is destroyed, instead of "flicking", a new section of road should be made AGAIN. The Germans and Americans have been doing this for years, and they have more than fantastic motorways. And a lot of the work is done at night, for the reason of not obstructing traffic.