I suggest that the government changes the law and puts the cost of the interview on the employer. These costs include travel costs, and the time spent by the jobseeker travelling and attending the interview, to be charged at a minimum of 1 working hour of average wage. This will mean that employers will have to choose more carefully who they invite to interviews, rather than the current practice of inviting 20 people at a time just so that they can take someone off the unemployment register. So the employer will have to bear part of the cost of the interview, because time is not free, and it is right that they pay us if we go to the interview, because at least that way we will be more motivated to go to the interview more prepared, and the employer will be more receptive to actually employing someone if he invites them to the interview, and not as now, when you just walk up to them and act as if they do not need you. If we at least get reimbursed for the travel costs and the time spent, we will at least feel better, not like now, when the institution reimburses you the few cents for the transport, but you spend an hour or more on the journey, where you have half the expectations and half the nothing from no-one. It is right that you get money in your hand immediately because you made the effort to come to the interview, but the employer should read the CV first and make a better decision about who to employ, because employment agencies also recruit in a similar way, so they do not tell you anything about the employer, only what the job is about, and on that basis you decide whether to accept the job or not. Let the same be true for employers, i.e. let them decide on the basis of your application and CV whether or not to accept you and invite you for an interview, not on the basis of your prejudices, your appearance, your age, your sexuality, or because you may not be able to negotiate or express your competences in an interview. I think this would be very fair to all unemployed people, because at the moment we do not have enough rights and we spend hours and hours looking for a job without pay, so it is right that the employer who invites us to an interview pays us for our time and effort!