Hello! I have one room without a bathroom and the state won't even let me have that if I want to get financial help. For years and years when I was employed I paid social security contributions. I wish I had a job, but there are foreigners working in a state-owned company and I have been looking for a job for years without success. Example: acquaintances have almost never been employed and have rich parents (several properties) and get financial help without any problems. I inherited a room and ... Because I did not want the room(which my parents worked all their lives for) to be marked as alienated in favour of the RS, I went for some time without receiving any financial aid(not to exceed the 18 months of receiving it in the last 24 months). Then, according to my calculations, I was able to get the financial aid again for a month or so, without the endorsement. After submitting the application, the social worker said that it was not necessary to calculate for which month the cash assistance was due and that it would be written in the decision if the property was endorsed. and if it says in the decision that the property will be bookmarked, I just write a complaint that I don't want the money and it won't be bookmarked. But in the new decision, surprise: there is a reservation of alienation of the property in favour of the RS. Now they want me to pay back the money if I want my room. FROM WHERE? HOW? The social work centres are staffed by people with no social sense. I am 35 years old, in my prime and want a job. Do you have a recipe for getting a job? I am very disappointed. Have a nice day, Bojan.