PLEASE, if it would be introduced as soon as possible, that recipients of social assistance would be exempted from paying the initial start-up costs to the patent office if they have an idea for a new, functional and commercial product, when initially applying for a patent/design. The application costs are NOT HIGH, however, the recipients of the co-financing can hardly afford or even afford one. If the proceedings were to establish that the product is indeed original, the patent office or any other institution involved could become an authortmatic co-owner and thus cover the initial costs, since the initial part of the research into the originality of the product would essentially be "doing it for free". However, if the product does not turn out to be original, in Slovenia it has a very LARGE VOLUNTARY WORK, the recipients of co-subsidies are as a rule NOT EXEMPT, so with this post I really ask that in this case the recipients of co-subsidies are exempted from this ( not big!) cost! This way at least some of those who are sufficiently expert could help themselves and also the community. The problem is that it cannot be started. However, if it came to the point where recipients of social assistance started to take advantage of this benefit, additional rates could be introduced if necessary. Please think carefully about the proposal! THANK YOU!!!