The idea of a universal basic income is decades old. It is interesting but lacks something to make it balanced. That is why I propose the introduction of a UNIVERSAL BASIC WORK. I believe that every able-bodied citizen should work at least FOUR hours, -because in this way he would contribute his share to society as do those who have a job or other activity which pays for the functioning of the state. -because that would keep them in the "game". Much has been written about the problems of the unemployed. Including the fact that, over time, they get used to vegetating in miserable conditions and re-employment scares them. So they would stay connected to work and people. -because it is right that everyone who is able to work should contribute to the best of their ability -because there are individuals who have built their own little world in which they parasitise on their parents, grandparents and friends. Parents do not resist them because of the guilt of having "brought up" such an individual, but also because they do not want to admit that they are part of the problem at home. Some individuals are also violent, which makes their parents give in. -Because every individual has financial needs and, of course, spending needs, because they do not live on air. So he also has an income. Untaxed, of course. -because there are individuals who, although they work for nothing, do not contribute. Four hours of work a day would cause at least some of them to weigh up whether it might not be better to find other, registered work that is more suited to their needs. -because it would make the UBI much fairer to those who are already in full-time work -because there is enough work. Our streets are overgrown, full of snow in winter and leaves in autumn. Many areas are unkempt. Facades need painting, we need healthier foodstuffs, etc., etc., etc., etc. -because some of the work could create businesses -because, until the introduction of a universal basic income, we could at least offer some income to those who are now without work and income -because no creature survives in nature that does not work for its existence. We humans compassionately help the helpless, and let it remain so. Let others step forward and lift their share of the burden. We will be glad of their help, even if it is only for four hours.