To contribute to reducing public debt, Parliament should pass a law to auction off all holiday accommodation owned by the state, municipalities, courts, public institutions, agencies, institutes and funds. The funds are to be used exclusively for the repayment of the State's debt. At the same time, under the same law, the holiday accommodation of loss-making State-owned companies and municipalities should be sold off. The funds should be used to cover the losses. Otherwise, the holiday facilities of the entire public sector should be used on equal terms by all citizens of the State of Slovenia. Reason: Given the number of workers who have lost their jobs in the economy and do not have the financial means to go on holiday, it is at the very least unhygienic for public-sector employees to take advantage of holiday facilities that are the property of the State of Slovenia and therefore of the citizens. The sale of all public sector holiday accommodation can reduce the public debt by at least EUR 2 billion, which should be the public sector's contribution to reducing the national debt. Moreover, the maintenance of holiday accommodation is an unnecessary cost that the economy cannot bear in the current situation.