I propose that the tax on the properties we live in be increased by a maximum of 10 to 20%.Mrs Bratušek said yesterday in Parliament that it is fair that those of us who have should pay, but those who do not have will pay nothing because they have spent it all on travel or drunk and live in social housing. I wonder why I invested all my working life and my savings in a house and now that I am retired with a pension of EUR 608.00 I will have to pay property tax increased by 500%. Yes, you read that right and it is not a mistake in the percentages. I pay EUR 60 from the current contribution on the building plot, but according to the new calculation I will pay EUR 300. The house is valued at EUR 203 000. If that is fair to the Prime Minister, I can no longer support her in this case, even though I consider her to be a very honest woman. I would ask you to forward this proposal to Mrs Bratušek and I would like to hear what she has to say. Someone who increases taxes by 500% no longer deserves to run this country. With respect Andrej