An effective proposal to quickly reduce unemployment: At least an estimated 30000 "students" work in jobs that have the character of regular work through student services. This is in contrast to the nature and purpose of student work, which is defined as temporary work, auxiliary work, short-term help, short-term substitution. Thus, work on a regular basis, such as: sales assistants, waiters, production workers, assemblers, drivers, is already in breach of the student labour regulations and all that is needed is to send labour inspectors to the employers (who are known), identify the offences and punish them. This would force them to employ adult, trained unemployed workers who cannot compete with "students" in the current tolerance of violations. What would be gained: reduction in unemployment, increase in contributions and taxes, increase in consumption, increase in economic security for families, improvement in the self-confidence and self-esteem of the unemployed and their family members. What is lost: nothing, as real students will still get temporary and ancillary jobs, but "students" will be able to get regular jobs in jobs where some have been working for years through student services. Will the cost for companies increase? Perhaps, but companies will be able to sustain it because now they are making extra profit at lower costs, which they do not spend on development and expansion, but instead siphon off into private or off shore accounts through various consultancy contracts and fictitious student work, to be spent on luxuries.