The real source of the public sector's problems should be identified, and the operations of indirect budget users should be regulated and made transparent (by amending the laws governing public finances and the physical assets of the state and municipalities!). The distinction between the so-called administrative and service parts of the public sector should be made clear, since the latter is where the problems and the real public finance problems accumulate. Without the administrative part, the state and municipalities cannot function, and in the rest too much ballast, unnecessary work and people and, of course, costs have accumulated, both for the operation of these mainly public institutions, public agencies and public funds, and also for public enterprises (publicly owned or majority-owned companies). The public administration is the most crippled by wage cuts, because it is the most regulated, constrained and in the public eye, while the rest of the public sector is still indulging (too much) in the rest of the public sector. The problem lies mainly in the lack of awareness that indirect budget users should not operate "more freely" than the public administration, and in the (in)active control by various state bodies. The operation of indirect budget users poses particular risks, in particular of unauthorised State aid, inefficient public service delivery, and inefficient and uneconomic management of the State's physical assets, and the existing arrangements also have a negative impact on the chronic uncompetitiveness of the Slovenian (small) economy. One could go on and on... However, I believe that the proposal will trigger a proper reflection and that we will start talking louder about the real/real/structural problems of public finances, so as not to create (unconsciously) further damage and injustice by reckless measures. Greetings!