Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to you as a concerned citizen who cares about the country and wants to make proposals for a better quality of life for its citizens. I am aware that we must all do our best for the common good. 1. Restructuring the (in)employment service: this service has now become a refuge for all those people who literally do not want to be employed. A small proportion of the mass of people who are present here, and of course receive benefits, are legitimately looking for work and have the desire to make a career, but the majority are simply too lazy. Besides, they have all the tricks to convince the interviewer to write (inappropriate) on the referral sheet ("I am planning to have a baby soon", "I can't adapt to the working hours, I have to be free until 1pm", "I won't work for minimum wage, I prefer to be in an institution", "I am only here formally, because I know I don't fit the description", "My current occupation is transitory, I am planning to further my education"...). This is the case in about 80% of the cases. The other 20% are individuals who really don't meet the needs on the practical test, but sometimes, fortunately, there is a suitable candidate ;) I suggest that you abolish unemployment benefits, as this contributes nothing to the economy, supports laziness and pushes people into a comfort zone. For people who have been on the dole for longer but want to get some money, get them casual unskilled jobs: sweeping parks, tidying up, etc., until a job opportunity presents itself. This would stimulate jobseekers and make workers more competitive. 2. Ensure greater movement of workers: please facilitate the recruitment and dismissal process. Give the employer the possibility to hire more people at times of increased work and to fire people when the work runs out. This will result in less unpaid taxes, contributions, wages and more movement of workers. 3. Abolish the payment of travel expenses: they are not paid in any country, only here. And anyway, there are unrealistic kilometres, the worker is registered at an address as far away as possible (parents), and lives in an apartment across the road). Sad... 4. PREVENT UNDECLARED WORK! This means make it a constitutional/criminal offence and consider undeclared work as theft/theft from the state, and make it the responsibility of the officials who will have unrestricted access to the private property on which it is being done. This will increase the competitiveness of businesses and consequently increase the revenue to the Treasury due to the increased volume of work by legally registered craftsmen/entrepreneurs. In conclusion: take care of the people who keep the money flowing into the country and create wealth: businesses, because without their levies, public services do not exist! And without any incentives for first jobs and the like, because they are not efficient!