A common criticism is that pensioners working beyond retirement and extending their working lives "crowd out" work from other able-bodied people, especially young people. The freedom of entrepreneurial initiative must be understood in a broader sense, not only on the employer's side. The employee is also free to take his own economic initiative in what and where he wants to work. In fact, anyone who feels able and qualified to do so should have the right to the labour market, and this should be recognised by the employer, who bears responsibility for the performance of the business as required by the market, standards, economic and labour law. From this broader perspective of free economic initiative, I make a proposal on the possibility for pensioners to (re-)enter the labour market. - Pensioners can be employed under an employment contract or carry out activities as sole traders under the rules applicable to sole traders, perhaps in a modified form. - The scope and duration of the relationship and the remuneration are a matter for the contracting parties. - The pensioner receives a pension and retains all other rights under this status. - The employer transfers the payment to the SPIZ, which calculates income tax and the deductions listed below and pays it together with the pension. If the (monthly) remuneration exceeds €200.00, up to a maximum of €100.00, an equal share is paid into each of the following funds: pension and health funds, the state scholarship fund and the unemployment fund. - The pensioner's income is included in income tax, less contributions. - All other forms of employment of pensioners would be considered as undeclared work and should be sanctioned accordingly. The employer has no costs other than the payment of labour and has no interest in concealing the payment. Since the pensioner is already receiving a pension, he would be less vulnerable in terms of interruption of work and would contribute to the above-mentioned coffers and budget if he had to pay income tax. Perhaps this form of employment of pensioners should be restricted to the judiciary, the civil service and public services, while the private sector would be open.