To help people work longer and pay more into their pensions, I propose the following reforms: - impose minimum standards on employers to provide for their workers - some workers in Slovenia are still working in impossible conditions, which is unacceptable. - Prohibit work for free in the workplace - i.e. unpaid work overtime, on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. - Introduce measures to reduce stress in the workplace - Introduce jobs adapted to older workers and the possibility for an older worker or a worker whose working capacity has diminished to be transferred to another job with equal pay only by means of an annex to the employment contract (without coercion by the Social Security Institution and other institutions). - Introduce subsidies for the training of the workers referred to in the above indent - this would provide older workers and workers with reduced abilities with the skills they need to do other jobs. - prohibit overtime requirements for all those with a minimum of e.g. 50% physical impairment or category III disability - accept disabled people with a minimum 50% disability into the quota system for employment of disabled people - currently the conditions are very restrictive - you have to be really severely disabled to get into the quota - contributions for work-related injuries should be proportional to the number of work-related injuries that occur in the employer's workplace - I don't think it's fair that one office, where no work-related injuries occur, pays the same contributions for work-related injuries as a construction company, where, for example, every second person is injured at work in a certain period of time - introduce a higher contribution to disability insurance for companies with higher rates of disability - extend the snack time to 45 minutes, as 30 minutes is too short a time for many people to eat a healthy hot meal honestly - it takes five minutes to get to the canteen, then five minutes to queue, especially if it is crowded, then fifteen minutes to eat (even if it is hot), then quickly back. This creates stomach sores and other digestive problems, which is not in the interests of the employer in the slightest, still less of the State, as it creates a lot of disability for reasons other than work, but which are work-related (but which are not treated as occupational diseases by the Social Insurance and Social Security Institutions). However, a meal break does not have to be fully paid - it can be 30 minutes paid and 15 minutes unpaid. - It is now law that all employers must provide a hot snack for their employees (so that those who do not have the option can also have a hot snack). - Reinvigorate public transport so that all employees can travel to work by public transport, which would be efficient (including time-efficient). This would improve transport safety for commuters. All these measures would improve working conditions for employees and allow people to work longer. P.S: If I've forgotten something, feel free to add comments - all additions welcome! Constructive criticism is also welcome!