It does not seem fair to me that a full-time employee of a public administration or a state-owned company can, in addition to a regular job in a specific post with a specific range of duties and tasks, do similar (or perhaps even the same ??!) work (and of course earn extra money) through, for example, an after-hours s.p., It seems to me that there is a conflict of interest here, and above all that the employee would have to do these jobs either within the framework of his/her regular employment or the institution as employer would have to enter into an employment relationship (possibly part-time) with another person (as we have quite a few unemployed people). It does not seem fair to me, for the reason that in such a dual relationship (once as a civil servant, once as a sole trader), over time the employee is increasingly acting in his own interest (through a contract) and less and less in the context of his regular job (because he is already guaranteed a salary anyway). I therefore propose that all ministerial portfolios and state-owned companies carry out a review of the existence of such contracts and terminate one of them for employees who perform the same or similar work under two contracts !