Hello, I am proposing a temporary legal order that would impose an additional 10-20% war tax on all American products sold in the country. A similar law could be proposed to other European countries. When America stops committing war crimes against humanity and returns its soldiers to America, the law on the additional tax will cease to apply. Why ? Because the Americans are attacking Afghanistan and other oil-rich countries unjustifiably and with bad excuses.They also started a war with Iraq a few years ago with the excuse of weapons of mass destruction being in Iraq. They have never found it ! It was just an excuse to make money out of the deaths of others ! I therefore propose a 10-20% war tax on all products of countries that are in a state of war and invade foreign territory. The law can also be written as follows : ...As an anti-crisis measure, the Government of the Republic of Slovenia announces a new tax on products manufactured outside the European Union in countries whose military forces are invading and occupying the territory of other countries. The tax is in force until the occupying forces return to their territory and stop killing. The tax is directed against war profiteers and in support of world peace !