If you earn more than €1,000 in interest in a year on money you have invested in banks in Slovenia or the EU, you will pay a significant tax. I would like to say to the Government that I think this kind of legal obligation is bad because it penalises someone who saves, who does not spend, who may not even afford (luxury cars, consumerism, etc.). If I compare this fate with someone who spends, spends, enjoys beyond the limits of his financial restraint, the one who has saved a little is penalised considerably by the tax on bank interest. This is a very bad example for us citizens and should not be supported by the state. It is all too obvious that the state is just padding its budget where it can. What it forgets is that whoever has the money in our banks is in a sense recapitalising our banks - so why punish him???? - rather than thanking him???? You know, I get the feeling that saving is no longer our value, it is just spending, which is also environmentally questionable. And so, when a citizen pays that tax or income tax, he has to pay a fee to the bank. I think that the state could and should make it possible for citizens to pay their obligations to the state at the state offices, not through the banks, which take too large a cut.