I propose to change the VAT rate on pet food. Here, the tax is 8.5%, even though a pet is a bit of a 'luxury'. Given that we need to help the state, this tax could be raised to 20% and thus bring some money into the state coffers (I am a puppy owner myself). Also, given that food imported from other parts of the world is going to bury us (as it is no longer worth our farmer or food grower's while to work and grow it), I would raise the VAT on imported food to 15 or 20%. This would give our domestic products greater competitiveness in the market. A law preventing retailers from raising the price from e.g. 10 units delivered to 25 or more units on the shelf should also be passed immediately! It is not logical that a farmer works the land for a few months, sows, harvests, processes, packs and transports to the store for a purchase price of 10 units, while a retailer puts the produce on the shelves from the warehouse and raises the price by 100 per cent or more. We should limit input-output price increases to a maximum of 15%.