I propose that a separate income tax scale be set for rental income, rather than adding it to income tax, because this is unfair. All of us who earn more than EUR 15 681.03 a year pay 41% tax, which means that we have to pay the difference of 16% income tax on our personal income. When you declare a property to be rented out, by all calculations you get to pay 25% tax with the decision, which you have to pay within 30 days, and since this income is added to your income tax scale when you make the decision, you pay the remaining 16% tax. In this case, we citizens who rent out property are in an unequal position. Let the income from the property be taken into account, not the salary you work hard for and are already heavily taxed on. We already pay property tax. Capital gains are also taxed separately and are not included in the income tax bracket, so I think that the gains that come from property should be taxed in their own income tax bracket.