I assume that teachers and other educational staff work 8 hours, the same as all other employees. It bothers me that teachers leave their jobs/schools after 12 hours and are therefore only at work for 4 hours and therefore get high pay even at EUR 1 700 net. Teachers should do their preparation and other duties at work/school as part of the 8-hour working day. It is even more problematic when I hear teachers being paid a basic salary of at least EUR 1 000 net during the summer holidays, and yet they do absolutely nothing during those two months. I know many teachers who spend 2 months at a time at sea with their children during the summer holidays. This seems unfair to me, because other employees are not allowed to do this, and what is worse is that they are paid a regular and high salary for not working during these two months. In addition to having their own holidays, which they can use during their working hours, teachers have winter holidays, May Day, summer holidays, cultural holidays, sports days and you name it. Legislation should be changed in this area, and I suggest that during the summer holidays, teachers, like other seasonal workers, go to the Employment Service, which will find them suitable work during this time, because they will be able to get the pay they deserve for their work! I think that there are great savings to be made in the field of education and pre-school education!