Fleet management service. All state authorities and constituent bodies (including Police, MORS) would use a centralised fleet management service. The service could be organised along the lines of Rent-a-car companies. Just for comparison, once HERTZ rent-a-car in Ljubljana, managed 3200 cars and 250 buses. Vehicles were issued on a reservation basis. The company had about 180 employees including a mechanic workshop. This is an illustration of the operating system. Advantages: Central insurance policy covering all vehicles. Central workshop carries out minor repairs, routine servicing, tyre changes,... and supervises the performance of major interventions by authorised repairers. Vehicles are renewed in accordance with the depreciation schedule. Better prices on purchase. Used vehicles are sold at market prices directly from the service centre (higher inflow from used vehicles. More control over the serviceability of the vehicles. Costs by cost centre allow a transparent distribution of costs by authorities and services. Better calculation of bonuses according to the actual use of vehicles (better records) With a well-organised driver service, the number of drivers employed is reduced in the long term, and the dynamics of the work are more motivating. A significant reduction in operating costs, if not elsewhere in fuel consumption, lubricants, tyres,.... A concession could also be part of the regional depots, allowing local employment and development.