I am a social worker, currently unemployed for 2 years. The biggest problem in recruiting social workers is the professional exam in social care, which is a prerequisite for employment. I propose several solutions to this. 1. to abolish the professional examination as a condition for obtaining employment. This is the method used in education. Where the vocational examination in VIZ is not a condition, but is taken after a few months of employment in a school. This does not create any problem, and it is a good way of doing it. The preparation for the professional examination is also part of the regular education and is simply chosen. You do not pay for them personally. Why is there a difference in social security at all, and in a negative sense? It's just that when you start a job, you still need some time to get up to speed and all the important decisions are being reviewed by someone.... I have worked in education and gone through this process. It makes sense to take the professional exam when you have had some practice with the work, not theoretically. 2. placing this professional exam on the regular training programme for the unemployed. This way, the state pays for the preparation and the exam. The applicant simply learns the material. This is how you have already arranged for the ZUP professional examination. Commendable. I made this proposal in writing to the Employment and Social Security Agency 1 year ago, and the situation is the same today. (I am still unemployed) 3. PLACE THE PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATION IN THE UNIVERSITY TRAINING FUND AT FSD This way people are not burdened with the costs. 4. In response to last year's pressure of new generations of social work graduates who are unemployed after graduation, as a 12-month internship and a professional examination are a prerequisite for employment, this year a paid internship with a paid professional examination has been introduced on a trial basis. Finally. Thank you. Personally, it is of no use to me, as I already have an internship, so I cannot apply there as an intern. Neither can my old classmates (graduates from 2006) who already have internships or first jobs. But not the professional exam. With arrangements like today's, we social workers are just a social problem and recipients of DSP. But we would like to be useful. That was the aim of our training.