I propose to the government that criminals (those who commit serious crimes) who receive welfare benefits should have them withdrawn. The point is that the state does not have the money to, say, stage the European Basketball Championships because it is sharing it out in social welfare. There is nothing wrong with that as long as the money does not get into the wrong hands, by which I mean criminals. I will give you an example from my own life. A man receives social welfare, lives in someone else's house and has no property of his own. He has 6 neighbours whom he looks after night and day, if they make any noise (noise at a lower volume, which is allowed under the rules of law and order) he comes into their street and starts shouting swear words in front of the small children. When shovelling snow from the street, he comes into the street, shouts and sometimes physically attacks someone. He has been in prison for more than 2 years in total in his life for physically and verbally attacking the same people. He is still on social assistance which makes him not care about the police, the law and the consequences as he has nothing to lose by not having his own property. He has threatened the life of his neighbours several times with various implements (hammer...). He and his disabled wife (who has no certificate of being disabled) live in a very old shack owned by the wife's mother. The man uses it to prey on others. In addition, they piss on old sofas and similar rubbish. They throw the house rubbish down a nearby hill. If we abolished welfare for criminals they wouldn't care because, they'd have to "be industrious" or, they'd have to beg.