Given the way vehicle development has progressed (including for freight vehicles), I think that consideration should be given to raising or removing the maximum permissible weight limits for freight vehicles. Example: a MB (3 axle) cargo vehicle (kiper) has a load capacity of 33 tonnes, but under Slovenian law the total weight of the vehicle can only be 25.5 tonnes. This means that 1/3 of the vehicle is not used and consequently the transport is more expensive per tonne than if the vehicle were fully loaded. And it is again the buyers or consumers who are worse off and pay the higher price. This could be compared to passing a law that a passenger car is registered for 5 people, but only 3 people are allowed to drive in it, otherwise the car would be too heavy. However, the excuses that are being made that Slovenian roads cannot cope with such a load are the fault of the road contracting authorities (DARS, DRSC, municipalities), which, as the contracting authority, have not exercised any control over the adequacy of road construction. I think that it is clear to any "ordinary" citizen of the Republic of Slovenia how road construction is carried out in Slovenia.