I propose that when the mountain rescue service intervenes, if a hiker is injured in the mountains and it is found during the rescue that he did not have the appropriate equipment for hill walking, the hiker is fined, the fine is assigned by the rescue manager and then the details of the fine are passed on to the police, and the money from this fine is given to the mountain rescue service that intervened at the time, just in case: a rescue without a helicopter 100% of the money would go to the association, if a helicopter was used, the penalty would be halved and some of the money would go to the HeNMP unit for fuel costs and some to the mountain rescue service. We know that about a year ago, there was a TV piece about the mountain rescue service from Kamnik, where they were raising funds for a decent facility in which they would have all the equipment for interventions and vehicles. And I think that in this way, we could allow the continued intervention and the preservation of the associations without any problems.