The problem is not the level of social support, which is still too low for a decent living, but the problem is too low wages. So take action in that direction and do not blame the unemployed, because it is not their fault that there are no jobs. Rather, it is you in government who are to blame for pursuing such a policy that the economy is in the state it is in and the consequences are being felt by the little man. It is true that some people are taking advantage of the system, but €400 is still not enough to live on. After all, Pahor himself has said that €3 000 a month is not enough for him, so how could a mere €400 be enough for others? The CSD could also take action against those who apply for emergency cash assistance every year and do not spend it where they have applied for it, because they do not submit an invoice. So they use this money 1x a year for other purposes, while on the other side there are honest people who get 2x a year because they submit an invoice. It is not fair of the dishonest. Since some of them have been recidivists for years, they should be disqualified (and given another chance before that) from receiving emergency aid, or they should pay it back. That the CSD does not have that many ideas and brains is also sad. Should the rest of the hard-working people then be made to suffer because of such people? No, it's not fair! I read somewhere that the system should be such that the unemployed go to do socially useful work in such a way that they earn this social assistance. That is absolute exploitation, a violation of fundamental human rights and freedoms, and also a criminal abuse of human dignity! Let these people go to work, who are these dishonest returnees to the CSD and who are not actively looking for a job, which can be verified by the Social Welfare Agency. Not that, for the sake of a few, you punish all the serious and hard-working unemployed who really want to work but, no matter how hard they try, do not get a job. And €400 is definitely not enough to live on from month to month. Check these rates elsewhere in Europe and be ashamed of yourselves!