Following the example of developed European countries, I propose to introduce one registration plate for several vehicles. Example of use: a passenger car for everyday use and the use of an oldtimer or a vehicle for occasional trips ( convertible, camper van, etc.). The advantage of this for citizens is the lower cost of using an oldtimer vehicle and thus preserving the technical heritage, the cheaper use of a motorhome, or, alternatively, a second or third vehicle at home. Some of us are vehicle enthusiasts and we have enough costs to maintain our vehicles to drive them occasionally, but we still have to pay the plates or toll for other vehicles we own + use occasionally. I propose something similar to what car dealers have and they are allowed to transfer from vehicle to vehicle. As a sensible government, I suggest that we support this proposal and make it easier for all of us who have earned more than one car in our lifetime and have already paid enough tax. Thank you for your common sense and for reading the proposal.