I propose to add to the intervention law to mitigate the effects of the pandemic COVID-19 a provision exempting from flat-rate contributions individuals who are engaged in a secondary occupation and who are compulsorily insured under another title (employment) - "after-hours employees", for the duration of the measures of this law. The fact is that this group of persons who are liable for lump-sum contributions paid in the course of their activity has no rights whatsoever (they pay contributions 'for nothing'), which is not the case for the other groups (self-employed) who, on the basis of their social and health security contributions, also enjoy corresponding rights, but whose contributions are written off for the duration of the pandemic. The current proposals show a totally unequal or unjustified unfair treatment of those who already pay double contributions (once from employment and additionally lump-sum contributions (without any proportional rights)). It is right that this discrimination should be eliminated.