Since wages are generally not rising in line with GDP growth (only exceptionally for managers), companies are exploiting the labour force in terms of the less active population, who have to work for three or more people, are in illegal employment, etc., and costs (housing, food, clothing) are rising, in line with income data from the Social Insurance Institution (ZPIZ), we should limit price rises and set a ceiling for the price of all costs. While the ZPIZ seemingly acts only as a data collector on wages and other benefits and expenses, I suggest that it should recruit experts who could evaluate the actual situation of the wage-cost ratio, which would ultimately result in reasonable prices for rents, property prices and household expenses. I believe that there is still too much variation in consumption in apartment blocks and that they do not show the real state of energy consumption in terms of saving on water consumption, etc. We should also limit property prices and rents in this way, because they do not promote a decent life for young people, the elderly or the old. So for the whole population, we can no longer say who is worse off, to be honest. We need to increase the control of non-compliance with the law, if it were implemented in terms of price caps, because if we were also to limit the disparity between wage ratios by law, we would not be tolerating poverty and we would not be tolerating precarious work. Why is it that a manager is so capable that he can literally have 10 times or more the wage of a worker, regardless of the type of education. What I observe is that the differences are huge, whatever the level of education and whatever the type of work. I propose that, also for managers, in the private sector, the salary of managers should be capped, as this could allow for greater employability, which is more necessary than managers having such high salaries. I believe that the current economy, which is in favour of competitiveness, does not see that, by not restricting capital, it is allowing capital to flow abroad. In addition, it is no wonder that illegal work is also being encouraged. I wonder whether we are really following the example of the northern European countries or whether we just want to do this and do nothing about it. What I can suggest to people is that we limit our purchases and do not go shopping every day if we can. We did not elect the shops to be open all the time, did we? I do not think we can sell everything, or we can.