The law says that if working time is irregular, it must not exceed 56 hours per week. Since the week is considered to be Monday to Sunday, employers/schedulers take advantage of this. To give an example from the August 2019 plan: - Thursday: free - Friday: 12:45 - Saturday: 12:30 - Sunday: 12:30 - Monday: 7:00 - Tuesday: free - Wednesday: 11:30 - Thursday: 12:30 - Friday: 7:00 - Saturday: 8:00 - Sunday: free If we count the working hours according to the current legislation, everything is fine, as the sum of the hours from Monday to Sunday is 46 hours. If we count 7 consecutive days from Friday to Thursday, that is 68 hours and 45 minutes. Saturday to Friday, 63 hours. Sunday to Saturday, 58 hours and 30 minutes. Or, if we take everything together, that is 83 hours and 45 minutes over nine days. This interpretation of the 'week' leads to overworking, which results in a high number of sick days and turnover. This, in addition to an already busy schedule, transfers work to those who are not (yet) on sick leave and who are not (yet) resigning. I propose that the part of the Employment Relations Act that talks about limiting the number of working hours per week be changed to limiting the number of working hours on (any) 7 consecutive days. We do not have weekends in certain professions.