Zastrow, Melissa
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Zou W, Le K, Zastrow M (2020) Live-Cell Copper-Induced Fluorescence Quenching of the Flavin-Binding Fluorescent Protein
CreiLOV. ChemBioChem. [IF=0.691, Cited=9, 31849156].
- Janis MK, Zou W, Zastrow M (2023) A Single-Site Mutation Tunes Fluorescence and Chromophorylation of an Orange
Fluorescent Cyanobacteriochrome. ChemBioChem. [IF=0.691, Cited=1, 37423892].
- Borghesani V, Zastrow M, Tolbert AE, ..., Pecoraro VL (2024) Co(II) Substitution Enhances the Esterase Activity of a de
Novo Designed Zn(II) Carbonic Anhydrase. Chemistry - A European Journal. [IF=0.899, Cited=0, 38377169].
- Huynh U, Zastrow M (2022) Metallobiology of Lactobacillaceae in the gut microbiome. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry.
[IF=0.935, Cited=13, 36270041].
- Zhao H, Zastrow M (2022) Transition Metals Induce Quenching of Monomeric Near-Infrared Fluorescent Proteins.
Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=7, 35289592].
- Jensen GC, Janis MK, Jara J, ..., Zastrow M (2023) Zinc-Induced Fluorescence Turn-On in Native and Mutant
Phycoerythrobilin-Binding Orange Fluorescent Proteins. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=1, 37699411].
- Zou W, Nguyen HN, Zastrow M (2022) Mutant Flavin-Based Fluorescent Protein Sensors for Detecting Intracellular Zinc and
Copper in Escherichia coli. ACS Sensors. [IF=1.539, Cited=4, 36282086].
- Jensen GC, Janis MK, Nguyen HN, ..., Zastrow M (2024) Fluorescent Protein-Based Sensors for Detecting Essential Metal
Ions across the Tree of Life. ACS Sensors. [IF=1.539, Cited=0, 38587931].
- Huynh U, Nguyen HN, Trinh BK, ..., Zastrow M (2023) A bioinformatic analysis of zinc transporters in intestinal
Lactobacillaceae. Metallomics. [IF=0.933, Cited=0, 37463796].
- Janis MK, Zou W, Zastrow M (2023) A Single Site Mutation Tunes Fluorescence and Chromophorylation of an Orange
Fluorescent Cyanobacteriochrome. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 37214816].
- Jensen GC, Janis MK, Jara J, ..., Zastrow M (2023) Zinc-Induced Fluorescence Turn-on in Native and Mutant
Phycoerythrobilin-Binding Orange Fluorescent Proteins. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 37609204].
- Huynh U, Qiao M, King J, ..., Zastrow M (2022) Differential Effects of Transition Metals on Growth and Metal Uptake for
Two Distinct Lactobacillus Species. Microbiology spectrum. [IF=1.045, Cited=7, 35080431].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Zastrow M, Pecoraro VL (2013) Designing functional metalloproteins: from structural to catalytic metal sites.
Coordination Chemistry Reviews. [IF=3.39, Cited=58, 23997273].
- Zastrow M, Zastrow ML, Huang Z, Lippard SJ (2020) HaloTag-Based Hybrid Targetable and Ratiometric Sensors for
Intracellular Zinc. ACS Chemical Biology. [IF=0.963, Cited=11, 31917534].
- Zastrow M, Zastrow ML, Radford RJ, ..., Lippard SJ (2015) Reaction-Based Probes for Imaging Mobile Zinc in Live Cells
and Tissues. ACS Sensors. [IF=1.539, Cited=27, 26878065].
- Zastrow M, Pecoraro VL (2014) Designing hydrolytic zinc metalloenzymes. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=47, 24506795].
- Yu F, Cangelosi VM, Zastrow M, ..., Pecoraro VL (2014) Protein design: toward functional metalloenzymes. Chemical
Reviews. [IF=11.712, Cited=183, 24661096].
- Zastrow M, Pecoraro VL (2013) Influence of active site location on catalytic activity in de novo-designed zinc
metalloenzymes. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=41, 23516959].
- Ruckthong L, Zastrow M, Stuckey JA, Pecoraro VL (2016) A Crystallographic Examination of Predisposition versus
Preorganization in de Novo Designed Metalloproteins. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=19, 27532255].
- Elsner C, Cordes T, Dietrich P, ..., Zinth W (2009) Photochromic bis(thiophen-3-yl)maleimides studied with time-resolved
spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=1, 19143542].
- Zastrow M, Peacock AFA, Stuckey JA, Pecoraro VL (2011) Hydrolytic catalysis and structural stabilization in a designed
metalloprotein. Nature Chemistry. [IF=3.667, Cited=137, 22270627].
- Rivera-Fuentes P, Wrobel AT, Zastrow M, ..., Lippard SJ (2015) A Far-Red Emitting Probe for Unambiguous Detection of
Mobile Zinc in Acidic Vesicles and Deep Tissue. Chemical Science. [IF=1.563, Cited=23, 25815162].
- Anderson CT, Radford RJ, Zastrow M, ..., Tzounopoulos T (2015) Modulation of extrasynaptic NMDA receptors by synaptic
and tonic zinc. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=67, 25947151].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Wilson KL, Zastrow M, Lee KK (2001) Lamins and disease: insights into nuclear infrastructure. Cell. [IF=8.479,
Cited=79, 11257219].
- Reiff A, Zastrow M, Sun BC, ..., Durden DL (2001) Treatment of collagen induced arthritis in DBA/1 mice with
L-asparaginase. Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. [IF=1.039, Cited=11, 11791634].