Xie, Xiaoliang Sunney
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Xie XS (2015) Single molecules meet genomics: pinpointing precision medicine. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 25974149].
- Chen Z, Duan H, Qiao S, ..., Huang Y (2015) Fluorogenic sequencing using halogen-fluorescein-labeled nucleotides.
ChemBioChem. [IF=0.691, Cited=5, 25846104].
- Wu H, Shen X, Huang L, ..., Zhou C (2018) Genotyping single-sperm cells by universal MARSALA enables the acquisition of
linkage information for combined pre-implantation genetic diagnosis and genome screening. None. [IF=None, Cited=8, 29790070].
- Xiong L, Huang L, Tian F, ..., Xie XS (2019) Bayesian model for accurate MARSALA (mutated allele revealed by sequencing
with aneuploidy and linkage analyses). None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 31187331].
- Blanshard RC, Chen C, Xie XS, Hoffmann ER (2018) Single cell genomics to study DNA and chromosome changes in human
gametes and embryos. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 29804682].
- Hou Y, Fan W, Yan L, ..., Qiao J (2013) Genome analyses of single human oocytes. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=179, 24360273].
- Chong S, Chen C, Ge H, Xie XS (2014) Mechanism of transcriptional bursting in bacteria. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=182, 25036631].
- Huang J, Yan L, Fan W, ..., Qiao J (2014) Validation of multiple annealing and looping-based amplification cycle
sequencing for 24-chromosome aneuploidy screening of cleavage-stage embryos. Fertility and Sterility. [IF=2.092,
Cited=23, 25241375].
- Huang J, Yan L, Lu S, ..., Qiao J (2016) Validation of a next-generation sequencing-based protocol for 24-chromosome
aneuploidy screening of blastocysts. Fertility and Sterility. [IF=2.092, Cited=22, 26902859].
- Pu Y, Zhao Z, Li Y, ..., Bai F (2016) Enhanced Efflux Activity Facilitates Drug Tolerance in Dormant Bacterial Cells.
Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=183, 27105118].
- Fu D, Xie XS (2014) Reliable cell segmentation based on spectral phasor analysis of hyperspectral stimulated Raman
scattering imaging data. Analytical Chemistry. [IF=1.41, Cited=50, 24684208].
- Zhao ZW, Xie XS, Ge H (2016) Nonequilibrium Relaxation of Conformational Dynamics Facilitates Catalytic Reaction in an
Elastic Network Model of T7 DNA Polymerase. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=0, 26918464].
- Villareal VA, Fu D, Costello DA, ..., Yang PL (2016) Hepatitis C Virus Selectively Alters the Intracellular Localization
of Desmosterol. ACS Chemical Biology. [IF=0.963, Cited=8, 27128812].
- Min W, English BP, Luo G, ..., Xie XS (2005) Fluctuating enzymes: lessons from single-molecule studies. Accounts of
Chemical Research. [IF=3.533, Cited=174, 16359164].
- Louie TM, Xie XS, Xun L (2003) Coordinated production and utilization of FADH2 by NAD(P)H-flavin oxidoreductase and
4-hydroxyphenylacetate 3-monooxygenase. Biochemistry. [IF=0.753, Cited=42, 12809507].
- Fu D, Lu FK, Zhang X, ..., Xie XS (2012) Quantitative chemical imaging with multiplex stimulated Raman scattering
microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=113, 22316340].
- Fu D, Yu Y, Folick A, ..., Wang MC (2014) In vivo metabolic fingerprinting of neutral lipids with hyperspectral
stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=94, 24869754].
- Fu D, Yang W, Xie XS (2016) Label-free Imaging of Neurotransmitter Acetylcholine at Neuromuscular Junctions with
Stimulated Raman Scattering. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=35, 28027644].
- Kou SC, Cherayil BJ, Min W, ..., Xie XS (2005) Single-molecule Michaelis-Menten equations. Journal of Physical Chemistry
B. [IF=0.893, Cited=123, 16853459].
- Nan X, Sims PA, Chen P, Xie XS (2005) Observation of individual microtubule motor steps in living cells with endocytosed
quantum dots. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=81, 16375416].
- Luo G, Andricioaei I, Xie XS, ..., Karplus M (2006) Dynamic distance disorder in proteins is caused by trapping. Journal
of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=39, 16686476].
- Min W, Gopich IV, English BP, ..., Szabo A (2006) When does the Michaelis-Menten equation hold for fluctuating enzymes?
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=56, 17034179].
- Min W, Xie XS, Bagchi B (2007) Two-dimensional reaction free energy surfaces of catalytic reaction: effects of protein
conformational dynamics on enzyme catalysis. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=33, 18085768].
- Bagchi B, Blainey PC, Xie XS (2008) Diffusion constant of a nonspecifically bound protein undergoing curvilinear motion
along DNA. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=53, 18321088].
- Freudiger CW, Roeffaers MBJ, Zhang X, ..., Xie XS (2011) Optical heterodyne-detected Raman-induced Kerr effect (OHD-
RIKE) microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=13, 21504149].
- Fu D, Holtom G, Freudiger C, ..., Xie XS (2013) Hyperspectral imaging with stimulated Raman scattering by chirped
femtosecond lasers. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=111, 23256635].
- Xu X, Ge H, Gu C, ..., Cao J (2013) Modeling spatial correlation of DNA deformation: DNA allostery in protein binding.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=8, 23795567].
- Saar BG, Contreras-Rojas LR, Xie XS, Guy RH (2011) Imaging drug delivery to skin with stimulated Raman scattering
microscopy. Molecular Pharmaceutics. [IF=1.039, Cited=75, 21548600].
- Min W, Jiang L, Yu J, ..., Xie XS (2005) Nonequilibrium steady state of a nanometric biochemical system: determining the
thermodynamic driving force from single enzyme turnover time traces. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=25, 16351180].
- Min W, Lu S, Rueckel M, ..., Xie XS (2009) Near-degenerate four-wave-mixing microscopy. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873,
Cited=11, 19432483].
- Lu J, Min W, Conchello JA, ..., Lichtman JW (2009) Super-resolution laser scanning microscopy through spatiotemporal
modulation. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=27, 19743870].
- Zhou Y, Wang P, Tian F, ..., Xie XS (2017) Painting a specific chromosome with CRISPR/Cas9 for live-cell imaging. Cell
Research. [IF=3.826, Cited=35, 28084328].
- Fu D, Zhou J, Zhu WS, ..., Xie XS (2014) Imaging the intracellular distribution of tyrosine kinase inhibitors in living
cells with quantitative hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering. Nature Chemistry. [IF=3.667, Cited=133, 24950332].
- Tian F, Yang W, Mordes DA, ..., Eggan K (2016) Monitoring peripheral nerve degeneration in ALS by label-free stimulated
Raman scattering imaging. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=43, 27796305].
- Freudiger CW, Yang W, Holtom GR, ..., Kieu KQ (2014) Stimulated Raman Scattering Microscopy with a Robust Fibre Laser
Source. Nature Photonics. [IF=8.073, Cited=89, 25313312].
- Randall EC, Emdal KB, Laramy JK, ..., Agar NYR (2018) Integrated mapping of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in a
patient-derived xenograft model of glioblastoma. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=39, 30464169].
- Fei A, Wu W, Tan L, ..., Li Q (2021) Coordination of two enhancers drives expression of olfactory trace amine-associated
receptors. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=9, 34145235].
- Orringer DA, Pandian B, Niknafs YS, ..., Camelo-Piragua S (2017) Rapid intraoperative histology of unprocessed surgical
specimens via fibre-laser-based stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Nature Biomedical Engineering. [IF=3.79,
Cited=205, 28955599].
- Tan L, Xing D, Daley N, Xie XS (2019) Three-dimensional genome structures of single sensory neurons in mouse visual and
olfactory systems. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. [IF=2.542, Cited=48, 30936528].
- Xue R, Li R, Guo H, ..., Zhang N (2016) Variable Intra-Tumor Genomic Heterogeneity of Multiple Lesions in Patients With
Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Gastroenterology. [IF=5.156, Cited=117, 26752112].
- Debnath P, Min W, Xie XS, Cherayil BJ (2005) Multiple time scale dynamics of distance fluctuations in a semiflexible
polymer: a one-dimensional generalized Langevin equation treatment. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=26, 16351313].
- Min W, Xie XS, Bagchi B (2009) Role of conformational dynamics in kinetics of an enzymatic cycle in a nonequilibrium
steady state. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=21, 19691414].
- Cotlet M, Masuo S, Luo G, ..., De Schryver F (2004) Probing conformational dynamics in single donor-acceptor synthetic
molecules by means of photoinduced reversible electron transfer. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=34, 15388849].
- Evans CL, Potma EO, Puoris'haag M, ..., Xie XS (2005) Chemical imaging of tissue in vivo with video-rate coherent anti-
Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=404, 16263923].
- Luo G, Wang M, Konigsberg WH, Xie XS (2007) Single-molecule and ensemble fluorescence assays for a functionally
important conformational change in T7 DNA polymerase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=92, 17640918].
- Shiroguchi K, Jia TZ, Sims PA, Xie XS (2012) Digital RNA sequencing minimizes sequence-dependent bias and amplification
noise with optimized single-molecule barcodes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=146, 22232676].
- Zhao ZW, Roy R, Gebhardt JCM, ..., Xie XS (2013) Spatial organization of RNA polymerase II inside a mammalian cell
nucleus revealed by reflected light-sheet superresolution microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=82, 24379392].
- Tan L, Zong C, Xie XS (2013) Rare event of histone demethylation can initiate singular gene expression of olfactory
receptors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=20, 24344257].
- Fu Y, Li C, Lu S, ..., Huang Y (2015) Uniform and accurate single-cell sequencing based on emulsion whole-genome
amplification. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=104, 26340991].
- Lu FK, Basu S, Igras V, ..., Xie XS (2015) Label-free DNA imaging in vivo with stimulated Raman scattering microscopy.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=104, 26324899].
- Yan L, Huang L, Xu L, ..., Xie XS (2015) Live births after simultaneous avoidance of monogenic diseases and chromosome
abnormality by next-generation sequencing with linkage analyses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=59, 26712022].
- Xu J, Fang R, Chen L, ..., Lu S (2016) Noninvasive chromosome screening of human embryos by genome sequencing of embryo
culture medium for in vitro fertilization. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=89, 27688762].
- Xu J, Zhang Z, Niu W, ..., Sun Y (2017) Mapping allele with resolved carrier status of Robertsonian and reciprocal
translocation in human preimplantation embryos. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=18, 28973897].
- Cheng JX, Pautot S, Weitz DA, Xie XS (2003) Ordering of water molecules between phospholipid bilayers visualized by
coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=65, 12904580].
- Huang L, Bogale B, Tang Y, ..., Racowsky C (2019) Noninvasive preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy in spent
medium may be more reliable than trophectoderm biopsy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=74, 31235575].
- Bai C, Wang C, Xie XS, Wolynes PG (1999) Single molecule physics and chemistry. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=19, 10500130].
- Tan L, Xie XS (2018) A Near-Complete Spatial Map of Olfactory Receptors in the Mouse Main Olfactory Epithelium. Chemical
Senses. [IF=0.931, Cited=20, 29796642].
- Lee DF, Lu J, Chang S, ..., Xie XS (2016) Mapping DNA polymerase errors by single-molecule sequencing. Nucleic Acids
Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=16, 27185891].
- Gao Y, Ni X, Guo H, ..., Zhang N (2017) Single-cell sequencing deciphers a convergent evolution of copy number
alterations from primary to circulating tumor cells. Genome Research. [IF=1.745, Cited=56, 28487279].
- Ge H, Qian H, Xie XS (2015) Stochastic phenotype transition of a single cell in an intermediate region of gene state
switching. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=27, 25763973].
- Drutis DM, Hancewicz TM, Pashkovski E, ..., Misra M (2014) Three-dimensional chemical imaging of skin using stimulated
Raman scattering microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics. [IF=1.37, Cited=17, 24858033].
- Ji M, Arbel M, Zhang L, ..., Xie XS (2018) Label-free imaging of amyloid plaques in Alzheimer's disease with stimulated
Raman scattering microscopy. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=57, 30456301].
- van Oijen AM, Blainey PC, Crampton DJ, ..., Xie XS (2003) Single-molecule kinetics of lambda exonuclease reveal base
dependence and dynamic disorder. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=191, 12947199].
- Yang H, Luo G, Karnchanaphanurach P, ..., Xie XS (2003) Protein conformational dynamics probed by single-molecule
electron transfer. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=362, 14551431].
- Yu J, Xiao J, Ren X, ..., Xie XS (2006) Probing gene expression in live cells, one protein molecule at a time. Science.
[IF=7.729, Cited=476, 16543458].
- Xie XS, Yu J, Yang WY (2006) Living cells as test tubes. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=120, 16614211].
- Elf J, Li GW, Xie XS (2007) Probing transcription factor dynamics at the single-molecule level in a living cell.
Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=580, 17525339].
- Choi PJ, Cai L, Frieda K, Xie XS (2008) A stochastic single-molecule event triggers phenotype switching of a bacterial
cell. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=239, 18927393].
- Freudiger CW, Min W, Saar BG, ..., Xie XS (2008) Label-free biomedical imaging with high sensitivity by stimulated Raman
scattering microscopy. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=804, 19095943].
- Taniguchi Y, Choi PJ, Li GW, ..., Xie XS (2010) Quantifying E. coli proteome and transcriptome with single-molecule
sensitivity in single cells. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=1000, 20671182].
- Saar BG, Freudiger CW, Reichman J, ..., Xie XS (2010) Video-rate molecular imaging in vivo with stimulated Raman
scattering. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=321, 21127249].
- Wang W, Li GW, Chen C, ..., Zhuang X (2011) Chromosome organization by a nucleoid-associated protein in live bacteria.
Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=237, 21903814].
- Lu S, Zong C, Fan W, ..., Xie XS (2012) Probing meiotic recombination and aneuploidy of single sperm cells by whole-
genome sequencing. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=178, 23258895].
- Zong C, Lu S, Chapman AR, Xie XS (2012) Genome-wide detection of single-nucleotide and copy-number variations of a
single human cell. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=613, 23258894].
- Kim S, Broströmer E, Xing D, ..., Xie XS (2013) Probing allostery through DNA. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=149, 23413354].
- Xie XS (2013) Biochemistry. Enzyme kinetics, past and present. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=22, 24357307].
- Cheng JX, Xie XS (2015) Vibrational spectroscopic imaging of living systems: An emerging platform for biology and
medicine. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=253, 26612955].
- Chen C, Xing D, Tan L, ..., Xie XS (2017) Single-cell whole-genome analyses by Linear Amplification via Transposon
Insertion (LIANTI). Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=182, 28408603].
- Tan L, Xing D, Chang CH, ..., Xie XS (2018) Three-dimensional genome structures of single diploid human cells. Science.
[IF=7.729, Cited=207, 30166492].
- Ji M, Orringer DA, Freudiger CW, ..., Xie XS (2013) Rapid, label-free detection of brain tumors with stimulated Raman
scattering microscopy. Science Translational Medicine. [IF=2.778, Cited=191, 24005159].
- Ji M, Lewis S, Camelo-Piragua S, ..., Orringer DA (2015) Detection of human brain tumor infiltration with quantitative
stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Science Translational Medicine. [IF=2.778, Cited=112, 26468325].
- Evans CL, Xie XS (2008) Coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy: chemical imaging for biology and medicine.
Annual Review of Analytical Chemistry. [IF=1.98, Cited=346, 20636101].
- Xie XS, Choi PJ, Li GW, ..., Lia G (2008) Single-molecule approach to molecular biology in living bacterial cells.
Annual Review of Biophysics. [IF=3.276, Cited=191, 18573089].
- Min W, Freudiger CW, Lu S, Xie XS (2011) Coherent nonlinear optical imaging: beyond fluorescence microscopy. Annual
Review of Physical Chemistry. [IF=3.733, Cited=223, 21453061].
- Lu FK, Calligaris D, Olubiyi OI, ..., Agar NYR (2016) Label-Free Neurosurgical Pathology with Stimulated Raman Imaging.
Cancer Research. [IF=1.624, Cited=62, 27197198].
- Wang D, Niu X, Wang Z, ..., Wang J (2018) Multiregion Sequencing Reveals the Genetic Heterogeneity and Evolutionary
History of Osteosarcoma and Matched Pulmonary Metastases. Cancer Research. [IF=1.624, Cited=71, 30389703].
- Su Z, Wang Z, Ni X, ..., Wang J (2019) Inferring the Evolution and Progression of Small-Cell Lung Cancer by Single-Cell
Sequencing of Circulating Tumor Cells. Clinical Cancer Research. [IF=2.156, Cited=50, 31113842].
- Ge H, Wu P, Qian H, Xie XS (2018) Relatively slow stochastic gene-state switching in the presence of positive feedback
significantly broadens the region of bimodality through stabilizing the uninduced phenotypic state. PLoS Computational
Biology. [IF=1.278, Cited=2, 29529037].
- Chapman AR, He Z, Lu S, ..., Xie XS (2015) Single cell transcriptome amplification with MALBAC. PLoS ONE. [IF=1.253,
Cited=31, 25822772].
- Chen H, Shiroguchi K, Ge H, Xie XS (2015) Genome-wide study of mRNA degradation and transcript elongation in Escherichia
coli. Molecular Systems Biology. [IF=2.015, Cited=88, 25583150].
- Tan L, Li Q, Xie XS (2015) Olfactory sensory neurons transiently express multiple olfactory receptors during
development. Molecular Systems Biology. [IF=2.015, Cited=80, 26646940].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Jian F, Yu Y, Song W, ..., Cao Y (2022) Further humoral immunity evasion of emerging SARS-CoV-2 BA.4 and BA.5
subvariants. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. [IF=7.634, Cited=51, 36179744].
- Zuo F, Cao Y, Sun R, ..., Pan-Hammarström Q (2023) Neutralisation activity of mucosal IgA against XBB sublineages and
BA.2.86. The Lancet Infectious Diseases. [IF=7.634, Cited=0, 38071989].
- Xie XS (2019) Diseases Have No Borders, Neither Should Research! Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=0, 31422876].
- Cao Y, Su B, Guo X, ..., Xie XS (2020) Potent Neutralizing Antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 Identified by High-Throughput
Single-Cell Sequencing of Convalescent Patients' B Cells. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=746, 32425270].
- Du S, Cao Y, Zhu Q, ..., Qin C (2020) Structurally Resolved SARS-CoV-2 Antibody Shows High Efficacy in Severely Infected
Hamsters and Provides a Potent Cocktail Pairing Strategy. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=155, 32970990].
- Tan L, Ma W, Wu H, ..., Xie XS (2021) Changes in genome architecture and transcriptional dynamics progress independently
of sensory experience during post-natal brain development. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=62, 33484631].
- Cui Z, Liu P, Wang N, ..., Wang X (2022) Structural and functional characterizations of infectivity and immune evasion
of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron. Cell. [IF=8.479, Cited=221, 35120603].
- Qu L, Yi Z, Shen Y, ..., Wei W (2022) Circular RNA vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and emerging variants. Cell. [IF=8.479,
Cited=170, 35460644].
- Cao Y, Jian F, Zhang Z, ..., Xie XS (2022) Rational identification of potent and broad sarbecovirus-neutralizing
antibody cocktails from SARS convalescents. Cell Reports. [IF=1.738, Cited=33, 36493787].
- Cao Y, Song W, Wang L, ..., Wang X (2022) Characterization of the enhanced infectivity and antibody evasion of Omicron
BA.2.75. None. [IF=None, Cited=82, 36270286].
- Zuo F, Sun R, Abolhassani H, ..., Pan-Hammarström Q (2023) Heterologous inactivated virus/mRNA vaccination response to
BF.7, BQ.1.1, and XBB.1. The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific. [IF=2.132, Cited=4, 37069895].
- Chen C, Li J, Di L, ..., Wang J (2020) MINERVA: A Facile Strategy for SARS-CoV-2 Whole-Genome Deep Sequencing of
Clinical Samples. Molecular Cell. [IF=2.773, Cited=12, 33290743].
- Hu M, Zhang Y, Yuan Y, ..., Xie XS (2023) Correlated Protein Modules Revealing Functional Coordination of Interacting
Proteins Are Detected by Single-Cell Proteomics. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=1, 37368753].
- Xie XS (2023) Round-Trip Journey of a Physical Chemist. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=0, 37731371].
- Xie XS, Pascual C, Lieu C, ..., Xie XS (2016) Analgesic Microneedle Patch for Neuropathic Pain Therapy. ACS Nano.
[IF=2.423, Cited=39, 28001346].
- Chen Z, Zhou W, Qiao S, ..., Huang Y (2017) Highly accurate fluorogenic DNA sequencing with information theory-based
error correction. Nature Biotechnology. [IF=8.861, Cited=13, 29106407].
- Cao Y, Yisimayi A, Bai Y, ..., Xie XS (2021) Humoral immune response to circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants elicited by
inactivated and RBD-subunit vaccines. Cell Research. [IF=3.826, Cited=91, 34021265].
- Du S, Liu P, Zhang Z, ..., Xiao J (2021) Structures of SARS-CoV-2 B.1.351 neutralizing antibodies provide insights into
cocktail design against concerning variants. Cell Research. [IF=3.826, Cited=22, 34433900].
- Cao Y, Hao X, Wang X, ..., Jin R (2021) Humoral immunogenicity and reactogenicity of CoronaVac or ZF2001 booster after
two doses of inactivated vaccine. Cell Research. [IF=3.826, Cited=45, 34862467].
- Zheng H, Cao Y, Chen X, ..., Shen Z (2022) Disease profile and plasma neutralizing activity of post-vaccination Omicron
BA.1 infection in Tianjin, China: a retrospective study. Cell Research. [IF=3.826, Cited=19, 35672387].
- Cao Y, Jian F, Xiao T, ..., Xie XS (2021) Omicron escapes the majority of existing SARS-CoV-2 neutralizing antibodies.
Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=993, 35016194].
- Cao Y, Yisimayi A, Jian F, ..., Xie XS (2022) BA.2.12.1, BA.4 and BA.5 escape antibodies elicited by Omicron infection.
Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=636, 35714668].
- Cao Y, Jian F, Yu Y, ..., Xie XS (2022) Imprinted SARS-CoV-2 humoral immunity induces convergent Omicron RBD evolution.
Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=268, 36535326].
- Yisimayi A, Song W, Jian F, ..., Cao Y (2023) Repeated Omicron exposures override ancestral SARS-CoV-2 immune
imprinting. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=22, 37993710].
- Blainey PC, van Oijen AM, Banerjee A, ..., Xie XS (2006) A base-excision DNA-repair protein finds intrahelical lesion
bases by fast sliding in contact with DNA. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=301, 16585517].
- Ni X, Zhuo M, Su Z, ..., Wang J (2013) Reproducible copy number variation patterns among single circulating tumor cells
of lung cancer patients. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=251, 24324171].
- Wang S, Moffitt J, Moffitt JR, ..., Zhuang X (2014) Characterization and development of photoactivatable fluorescent
proteins for single-molecule-based superresolution imaging. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=176, 24912163].
- Huang L, Lu S, Racowsky C, Xie XS (2019) Reply to Gleicher and Barad: Noninvasive preimplantation genetic testing may
provide the solution to the problem of embryo mosaicism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United
States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=1, 31575737].
- Di L, Fu Y, Sun Y, ..., Wang J (2020) RNA sequencing by direct tagmentation of RNA/DNA hybrids. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=47, 31988135].
- Su QP, Zhao ZW, Meng L, ..., Sun Y (2020) Superresolution imaging reveals spatiotemporal propagation of human
replication foci mediated by CTCF-organized chromatin structures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the
United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=16, 32541019].
- Xing D, Tan L, Chang CH, ..., Xie XS (2021) Accurate SNV detection in single cells by transposon-based whole-genome
amplification of complementary strands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=33, 33593904].
- Oh S, Lee C, Yang W, ..., Kirschner MW (2022) Protein and lipid mass concentration measurement in tissues by stimulated
Raman scattering microscopy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=32, 35452314].
- Wu H, Li X, Jian F, ..., Xie XS (2022) Highly sensitive single-cell chromatin accessibility assay and transcriptome
coassay with METATAC. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=4, 36161934].
- Chapman AR, Lee DF, Cai W, ..., Xie XS (2022) Correlated gene modules uncovered by high-precision single-cell
transcriptomics. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=4, 36508663].
- Cao Y, Bai Y, Yuan T, ..., Xie XS (2023) Single-cell bisulfite-free 5mC and 5hmC sequencing with high sensitivity and
scalability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=1, 38011566].
- Marcotte H, Cao Y, Zuo F, ..., Pan-Hammarström Q (2024) Conversion of monoclonal IgG to dimeric and secretory IgA
restores neutralizing ability and prevents infection of Omicron lineages. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=3, 38194459].
- Südhof TC, Fried VA, Stone DK, ..., Xie XS (1989) Human endomembrane H+ pump strongly resembles the ATP-synthetase of
Archaebacteria. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=34, 2527371].
- Xie XS, Lu HP (1999) Single-molecule enzymology. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=111, 10347141].
- To KKW, Li X, Lung DC, ..., Yuen KY (2022) False Coronavirus Disease 2019 Cases due to Contamination by Inactivated
Virus Vaccine. Clinical Infectious Diseases. [IF=2.495, Cited=5, 34498683].
- Jia Z, Wang K, Xie M, ..., Wang X (2024) A third dose of inactivated vaccine augments the potency, breadth, and duration
of anamnestic responses against SARS-CoV-2. Protein and Cell. [IF=2.047, Cited=0, 38801319].
- Xie XS, Dunn RC (1994) Probing single molecule dynamics. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=113, 17838036].
- Huang L, Ma F, Chapman A, ..., Xie XS (2015) Single-Cell Whole-Genome Amplification and Sequencing: Methodology and
Applications. Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics. [IF=2.394, Cited=205, 26077818].
- Xie XS, Trautman JK (1998) Optical studies of single molecules at room temperature. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry.
[IF=3.733, Cited=207, 15012434].
- Zhou Y, Xiao JP, Hu JX, ..., Ma WJ (2022) [Epidemiological characteristics of local COVID-19 epidemics and control
experience in routine prevention and control phase in China]. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 35443299].
- Liu T, Xie XS, Xie XS, ..., Zhu QH (2024) [Study on the implementation effect evaluation of Specifications of Air
Sampling for Hazardous Substances Monitoring in the Workplace (GBZ 159-2004)]. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 38403424].
- Liu T, Xie XS, Xie XS, ..., Zhu QH (2024) [Research on quantitative evaluation of revise requirements of Specifications
of Air Sampling for Hazardous Substances Monitoring in the Workplace (GBZ 159-2004)]. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 38403415].
- Pei RR, Zhang RH, Yu JF, ..., Sun L (2020) [Clinical features and prognostic factors in adult acute myeloid leukemia
patients with FLT3-ITD and CEBPA gene co-mutation]. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 32447933].
- Wu RY, Xie XS, Wei Y, ..., Sun L (2021) [Prognostic significance of different IDH mutations and accompanying gene
mutations in patients with acute myeloid leukemia]. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 33677867].
- Xie XS, Qi C, Du XY, ..., Zhang M (2016) [Measurement and analysis of hand-transmitted vibration of vibration tools in
workplace for automobile casting and assembly]. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 27014887].
- Xie XS, Zhang M, Zheng YD, ..., Qi C (2016) [Influence of two positions for measuring instrument adapter on measurement
of hand-transmitted vibration in grinding machine]. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 27514550].
- Si S, Jin C, Li J, ..., Dong X (2023) Safety and Effectiveness of SA58 Nasal Spray Against COVID-19 Infection in Medical
Personnel: An Open-Label, Blank-Controlled Study - Hohhot City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, 2022. China CDC
Weekly. [IF=0.924, Cited=3, 37006441].
- Bashkirova EV, Klimpert N, Monahan K, ..., Lomvardas S (2023) Opposing, spatially-determined epigenetic forces impose
restrictions on stochastic olfactory receptor choice. eLife. [IF=1.743, Cited=7, 38108811].
- Xie XS, Stone DK (1988) Partial resolution and reconstitution of the subunits of the clathrin-coated vesicle proton
ATPase responsible for Ca2+-activated ATP hydrolysis. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 2454921].
- Xie XS, Stone DK, Racker E (1989) Purification of a vanadate-sensitive ATPase from clathrin-coated vesicles of bovine
brain. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 2563262].
- Xie XS, Crider BP, Stone DK (1989) Isolation and reconstitution of the chloride transporter of clathrin-coated vesicles.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 2572598].
- Xie XS, Crider BP, Ma YM, Stone DK (1994) Role of a 50-57-kDa polypeptide heterodimer in the function of the clathrin-
coated vesicle proton pump. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 7929286].
- Xie XS, Crider BP, Stone DK (1993) Isolation of a protein activator of the clathrin-coated vesicle proton pump. Journal
of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 8227069].
- Xie XS (1996) Reconstitution of ATPase activity from individual subunits of the clathrin-coated vesicle proton pump. The
requirement and effect of three small subunits. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 8940086].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Stone DK, Sun SZ, Xie XS (1988) Structural properties of the proton translocating complex of the clathrin-coated
vesicle. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 2462480].
- Saar BG, Zeng Y, Freudiger CW, ..., Ding SY (2010) Label-free, real-time monitoring of biomass processing with
stimulated Raman scattering microscopy. Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=36, 20589818].
- Min W, Jiang L, Xie XS (2010) Complex kinetics of fluctuating enzymes: phase diagram characterization of a minimal
kinetic scheme. Chemistry - An Asian Journal. [IF=0.736, Cited=2, 20235274].
- Nan X, Tonary AM, Stolow A, ..., Pezacki JP (2006) Intracellular imaging of HCV RNA and cellular lipids by using
simultaneous two-photon fluorescence and coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopies. ChemBioChem. [IF=0.691,
Cited=32, 17068839].
- Potma EO, Xie XS (2005) Direct visualization of lipid phase segregation in single lipid bilayers with coherent anti-
Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. ChemPhysChem. [IF=0.755, Cited=43, 15688650].
- Nan X, Sims PA, Xie XS (2008) Organelle tracking in a living cell with microsecond time resolution and nanometer spatial
precision. ChemPhysChem. [IF=0.755, Cited=69, 18383236].
- Min W, Lu S, Holtom GR, Xie XS (2009) Triple-resonance coherent anti-stokes Raman scattering microspectroscopy.
ChemPhysChem. [IF=0.755, Cited=7, 19115321].
- Sims PA, Xie XS (2009) Probing dynein and kinesin stepping with mechanical manipulation in a living cell. ChemPhysChem.
[IF=0.755, Cited=42, 19504528].
- Zhang X, Roeffaers MBJ, Basu S, ..., Xie XS (2012) Label-free live-cell imaging of nucleic acids using stimulated Raman
scattering microscopy. ChemPhysChem. [IF=0.755, Cited=68, 22368112].
- Stone DK, Crider BP, Südhof TC, Xie XS (1989) Vacuolar proton pumps. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes.
[IF=0.676, Cited=13, 2531739].
- Xie XS, Stone DK, Racker E (1988) Proton pump of clathrin-coated vesicles. None. [IF=None, Cited=6, 2906726].
- Cheng JX, Jia YK, Zheng G, Xie XS (2002) Laser-scanning coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy and
applications to cell biology. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=147, 12080137].
- Rakic B, Sagan SM, Noestheden M, ..., Pezacki JP (2006) Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha antagonism
inhibits hepatitis C virus replication. None. [IF=None, Cited=59, 16426968].
- Choi PJ, Xie XS, Xie XS, Shakhnovich EI (2009) Stochastic switching in gene networks can occur by a single-molecule
event or many molecular steps. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=12, 19931280].
- Kim S, Schroeder CM, Xie XS (2009) Single-molecule study of DNA polymerization activity of HIV-1 reverse transcriptase
on DNA templates. Journal of Molecular Biology. [IF=1.281, Cited=21, 19968999].
- Lyn RK, Kennedy DC, Sagan SM, ..., Pezacki JP (2009) Direct imaging of the disruption of hepatitis C virus replication
complexes by inhibitors of lipid metabolism. Virology. [IF=0.835, Cited=41, 19747705].
- Stone DK, Xie XS (1988) Proton translocating ATPases: issues in structure and function. Kidney International. [IF=3.516,
Cited=28, 2838678].
- Stone DK, Crider BP, Xie XS (1990) Structural properties of vacuolar proton pumps. Kidney International. [IF=3.516,
Cited=2, 2146431].
- Fuster DG, Zhang J, Xie XS, Moe OW (2008) The vacuolar-ATPase B1 subunit in distal tubular acidosis: novel mutations and
mechanisms for dysfunction. Kidney International. [IF=3.516, Cited=21, 18368028].
- Freudiger CW, Pfannl R, Orringer DA, ..., Young GS (2012) Multicolored stain-free histopathology with coherent Raman
imaging. Laboratory Investigation. [IF=1.175, Cited=66, 22906986].
- Lee JB, Hite RK, Hamdan SM, ..., van Oijen AM (2006) DNA primase acts as a molecular brake in DNA replication. Nature.
[IF=11.591, Cited=183, 16452983].
- Cai L, Friedman N, Xie XS (2006) Stochastic protein expression in individual cells at the single molecule level. Nature.
[IF=11.591, Cited=603, 16541077].
- Min W, Lu S, Chong S, ..., Xie XS (2009) Imaging chromophores with undetectable fluorescence by stimulated emission
microscopy. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=103, 19847261].
- Li GW, Xie XS (2011) Central dogma at the single-molecule level in living cells. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=217, 21776076].
- English BP, Min W, van Oijen AM, ..., Xie XS (2005) Ever-fluctuating single enzyme molecules: Michaelis-Menten equation
revisited. Nature Chemical Biology. [IF=2.623, Cited=318, 16415859].
- Wang MC, Min W, Freudiger CW, ..., Xie XS (2011) RNAi screening for fat regulatory genes with SRS microscopy. Nature
Methods. [IF=10.009, Cited=95, 21240281].
- Sims PA, Greenleaf WJ, Duan H, Xie XS (2011) Fluorogenic DNA sequencing in PDMS microreactors. Nature Methods.
[IF=10.009, Cited=30, 21666670].
- Gebhardt JCM, Suter DM, Roy R, ..., Xie XS (2013) Single-molecule imaging of transcription factor binding to DNA in live
mammalian cells. Nature Methods. [IF=10.009, Cited=273, 23524394].
- Zhao ZW, Gebhardt JCM, Suter DM, Xie XS (2013) Reply to "Convergence of chromatin binding estimates in live cells".
Nature Methods. [IF=10.009, Cited=2, 23900249].
- Kim S, Blainey PC, Schroeder CM, Xie XS (2007) Multiplexed single-molecule assay for enzymatic activity on flow-
stretched DNA. Nature Methods. [IF=10.009, Cited=39, 17435763].
- Freudiger CW, Min W, Holtom GR, ..., Xie XS (2011) Highly specific label-free molecular imaging with spectrally tailored
excitation stimulated Raman scattering (STE-SRS) microscopy. Nature Photonics. [IF=8.073, Cited=62, 23015809].
- Blainey PC, Luo G, Kou SC, ..., Xie XS (2009) Nonspecifically bound proteins spin while diffusing along DNA. Nature
Structural and Molecular Biology. [IF=2.542, Cited=188, 19898474].
- Xie XS, Tsai SJ, Stone DK (1986) Lipid requirements for reconstitution of the proton-translocating complex of clathrin-
coated vesicles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=21, 2878429].
- Peng SB, Crider BP, Tsai SJ, ..., Stone DK (1996) Identification of a 14-kDa subunit associated with the catalytic
sector of clathrin-coated vesicle H+-ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=30, 8621738].
- Crider BP, Andersen P, White AE, ..., Peng SB (1997) Subunit G of the vacuolar proton pump. Molecular characterization
and functional expression. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=27, 9099722].
- Zhou Z, Peng SB, Crider BP, ..., Stone DK (1998) Molecular characterization of the 50- and 57-kDa subunits of the bovine
vacuolar proton pump. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=13, 9488725].
- Zhou Z, Peng SB, Crider BP, ..., Stone DK (1999) Recombinant SFD isoforms activate vacuolar proton pumps. Journal of
Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=9, 10336497].
- Peng SB, Li X, Crider BP, ..., Stone DK (1999) Identification and reconstitution of an isoform of the 116-kDa subunit of
the vacuolar proton translocating ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=20, 9891027].
- Graziano V, McGrath WJ, Suomalainen M, ..., Mangel WF (2012) Regulation of a viral proteinase by a peptide and DNA in
one-dimensional space: I. binding to DNA AND to hexon of the precursor to protein VI, pVI, of human adenovirus. Journal
of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=11, 23043136].
- Graziano V, Luo G, Blainey PC, ..., Mangel WF (2012) Regulation of a viral proteinase by a peptide and DNA in one-
dimensional space: II. adenovirus proteinase is activated in an unusual one-dimensional biochemical reaction. Journal of
Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=21, 23043137].
- Blainey PC, Graziano V, Pérez-Berná AJ, ..., Mangel WF (2012) Regulation of a viral proteinase by a peptide and DNA in
one-dimensional space: IV. viral proteinase slides along DNA to locate and process its substrates. Journal of Biological
Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=29, 23043138].
- Louie TM, Yang H, Karnchanaphanurach P, ..., Xun L (2002) FAD is a preferred substrate and an inhibitor of Escherichia
coli general NAD(P)H:flavin oxidoreductase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=12, 12177066].
- Ding J, Wu Z, Crider BP, ..., Xie XS (2000) Identification and functional expression of four isoforms of ATPase II, the
putative aminophospholipid translocase. Effect of isoform variation on the ATPase activity and phospholipid specificity.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=65, 10801890].
- Lu FK, Ji M, Fu D, ..., Xie XS (2012) Multicolor stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy. Molecular Physics.
[IF=0.545, Cited=35, 23504195].
- Li JJ, Chu Y, Lee BYH, Xie XS (2008) Enzymatic signal amplification of molecular beacons for sensitive DNA detection.
Nucleic Acids Research. [IF=4.663, Cited=96, 18304948].
- Saar BG, Freudiger CW, Xu X, ..., Xie XS (2014) Coherent Raman tissue imaging in the brain. Cold Spring Harbor
Protocols. [IF=0.733, Cited=2, 24786507].
- Min W, Xie XS (2006) Kramers model with a power-law friction kernel: dispersed kinetics and dynamic disorder of
biochemical reactions. None. [IF=None, Cited=23, 16486113].
- Qian H, Xie XS (2006) Generalized Haldane equation and fluctuation theorem in the steady-state cycle kinetics of single
enzymes. None. [IF=None, Cited=13, 16907053].
- Hartschuh A, Sánchez EJ, Xie XS, Novotny L (2003) High-resolution near-field Raman microscopy of single-walled carbon
nanotubes. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=193, 12689234].
- Dufresne ER, Corwin EI, Greenblatt NA, ..., Weitz DA (2003) Flow and fracture in drying nanoparticle suspensions.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=70, 14683242].
- Kou SC, Xie XS (2004) Generalized Langevin equation with fractional Gaussian noise: subdiffusion within a single protein
molecule. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=152, 15525146].
- Min W, Luo G, Cherayil BJ, ..., Xie XS (2005) Observation of a power-law memory kernel for fluctuations within a single
protein molecule. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=164, 16090221].
- Friedman N, Cai L, Xie XS (2006) Linking stochastic dynamics to population distribution: an analytical framework of gene
expression. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=290, 17155441].
- Murugkar S, Evans CL, Xie XS, Anis H (2009) Chemically specific imaging of cryptosporidium oocysts using coherent anti-
Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) microscopy. Journal of Microscopy. [IF=0.654, Cited=5, 19220690].
- Roeffaers MBJ, Zhang X, Freudiger CW, ..., Xie XS (2010) Label-free imaging of biomolecules in food products using
stimulated Raman microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics. [IF=1.37, Cited=1, 21198190].
- Imitola J, Côté D, Rasmussen S, ..., Khoury SJ (2011) Multimodal coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy
reveals microglia-associated myelin and axonal dysfunction in multiple sclerosis-like lesions in mice. Journal of
Biomedical Optics. [IF=1.37, Cited=42, 21361672].
- Lu HP, Xun L, Xie XS (1998) Single-molecule enzymatic dynamics. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=613, 9836635].
- Nan X, Cheng JX, Xie XS (2003) Vibrational imaging of lipid droplets in live fibroblast cells with coherent anti-Stokes
Raman scattering microscopy. Journal of Lipid Research. [IF=1.461, Cited=157, 12923234].
- Wang K, Freudiger CW, Lee JH, ..., Xu C (2010) Synchronized time-lens source for coherent Raman scattering microscopy.
Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=18, 21164749].
- Saar BG, Johnston RS, Freudiger CW, ..., Seibel EJ (2011) Coherent Raman scanning fiber endoscopy. Optics Letters.
[IF=1.297, Cited=65, 21725423].
- Kong L, Ji M, Holtom GR, ..., Xie XS (2013) Multicolor stimulated Raman scattering microscopy with a rapidly tunable
optical parametric oscillator. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=33, 23454943].
- Lamb ES, Lefrancois S, Ji M, ..., Wise FW (2013) Fiber optical parametric oscillator for coherent anti-Stokes Raman
scattering microscopy. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=21, 24321947].
- Légaré F, Evans CL, Ganikhanov F, Xie XS (2006) Towards CARS Endoscopy. Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=74, 19516594].
- Xie XS, Li M, Guo J, ..., Zhou JY (2007) Phase manipulated multi-beam holographic lithography for tunable optical
lattices. Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=4, 19547020].
- Evans CL, Xu X, Kesari S, ..., Young GS (2007) Chemically-selective imaging of brain structures with CARS microscopy.
Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=116, 19547572].
- Saar BG, Park HS, Xie XS, Lavrentovich OD (2007) Three-dimensional imaging of chemical bond orientation in liquid
crystals by coherent anti- Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=14, 19550626].
- Wright AJ, Poland SP, Girkin JM, ..., Xie XS (2007) Adaptive optics for enhanced signal in CARS microscopy. Optics
Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=42, 19551119].
- Saar BG, Holtom GR, Freudiger CW, ..., Xie XS (2009) Intracavity wavelength modulation of an optical parametric
oscillator for coherent Raman microscopy. Optics Express. [IF=1.434, Cited=16, 19654655].
- Cheng JX, Book LD, Xie XS (2001) Polarization coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Optics Letters.
[IF=1.297, Cited=118, 18049602].
- Potma EO, Jones DJ, Cheng JX, ..., Ye J (2002) High-sensitivity coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering microscopy with
two tightly synchronized picosecond lasers. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=55, 18026396].
- Potma EO, Evans C, Xie XS, ..., Ye J (2003) Picosecond-pulse amplification with an external passive optical cavity.
Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=10, 14514117].
- Evans CL, Potma EO, Xie XS (2004) Coherent anti-stokes raman scattering spectral interferometry: determination of the
real and imaginary components of nonlinear susceptibility chi(3) for vibrational microscopy. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297,
Cited=61, 15645825].
- Potma EO, Evans CL, Xie XS (2006) Heterodyne coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) imaging. Optics Letters.
[IF=1.297, Cited=107, 16441043].
- Ganikhanov F, Evans CL, Saar BG, Xie XS (2006) High-sensitivity vibrational imaging with frequency modulation coherent
anti-Stokes Raman scattering (FM CARS) microscopy. Optics Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=84, 16729099].
- Kieu K, Saar BG, Holtom GR, ..., Wise FW (2009) High-power picosecond fiber source for coherent Raman microscopy. Optics
Letters. [IF=1.297, Cited=41, 19571996].
- Chen H, Shiroguchi K, Ge H, Xie XS (2015) Genome-wide study of mRNA degradation and transcript elongation in Escherichia
coli. Molecular Systems Biology. [IF=2.015, Cited=19, 25964259].
- Nan X, Potma EO, Xie XS (2006) Nonperturbative chemical imaging of organelle transport in living cells with coherent
anti-stokes Raman scattering microscopy. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=107, 16632501].
- Xie XS, Nybo K (2014) Following a hunch. BioTechniques. [IF=0.626, Cited=0, 24839668].
- Zhang J, Xie XS (2016) [Recent advance in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis induced by paraquat poisoning]. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 27220454].
- Fang WY, Xie XS, Feng SG (2016) [Recent advance of cytokines in the pathogenesis of lung injury induced by paraquat
poisoning]. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 27866563].
- Zhang J, Liu KX, Gao W, Xie XS (2017) [The roles of TSP-1 and its receptor CD47 in pathogenesis of paraquat-induced
pulmonary fibrosis in rats]. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 29495147].
- Gao W, Xie XS (2018) [The Role of TSP-1-CD47 in ROS-mediated Pulmonary Fibrosis Induced by Paraquat]. None. [IF=None,
Cited=1, 30419666].
- Perin MS, Fried VA, Stone DK, ..., Südhof TC (1991) Structure of the 116-kDa polypeptide of the clathrin-coated
vesicle/synaptic vesicle proton pump. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 1704894].
- Stone DK, Crider BP, Xie XS (1990) Structure of vacuolar proton pumps. Seminars in Nephrology. [IF=1.155, Cited=0, 2138350].
- Stone DK, Crider BP, Xie XS (1990) Aldosterone and urinary acidification. Seminars in Nephrology. [IF=1.155, Cited=0, 2143306].
- Roeffaers MBJ, Zhang X, Freudiger CW, ..., Xie XS (2011) Label-free imaging of biomolecules in food products using
stimulated Raman microscopy. Journal of Biomedical Optics. [IF=1.37, Cited=0, 21473164].
- Xie XS, Stone DK (1986) Isolation and reconstitution of the clathrin-coated vesicle proton translocating complex.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 2869030].
- Sun SZ, Xie XS, Stone DK (1987) Isolation and reconstitution of the dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-sensitive proton pore of
the clathrin-coated vesicle proton translocating complex. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 2889733].
- Xie XS, Stone DK, Racker E (1983) Determinants of clathrin-coated vesicle acidification. Journal of Biological
Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 6140265].
- Stone DK, Xie XS, Racker E (1984) Inhibition of clathrin-coated vesicle acidification by duramycin. Journal of
Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 6142047].
- Xie XS, Stone DK, Racker E (1984) Activation and partial purification of the ATPase of clathrin-coated vesicles and
reconstitution of the proton pump. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 6148341].
- Stone DK, Xie XS, Racker E (1983) An ATP-driven proton pump in clathrin-coated vesicles. Journal of Biological
Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 6219998].
- Mattsson JP, Schlesinger PH, Keeling DJ, ..., Xie XS (1994) Isolation and reconstitution of a vacuolar-type proton pump
of osteoclast membranes. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 7929181].
- Peng SB, Zhang Y, Crider BP, ..., Xie XS (1994) Reconstitution of the recombinant 70-kDa subunit of the clathrin-coated
vesicle H+ ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 7961699].
- Peng SB, Crider BP, Xie XS, Stone DK (1994) Alternative mRNA splicing generates tissue-specific isoforms of 116-kDa
polypeptide of vacuolar proton pump. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 8006034].
- Crider BP, Xie XS, Stone DK (1994) Bafilomycin inhibits proton flow through the H+ channel of vacuolar proton pumps.
Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 8021236].
- Peng SB, Zhang Y, Tsai SJ, ..., Stone DK (1994) Reconstitution of recombinant 33-kDa subunit of the clathrin-coated
vesicle H(+)-ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 8157666].
- Peng SB, Stone DK, Xie XS (1993) Reconstitution of recombinant 40-kDa subunit of the clathrin-coated vesicle
H(+)-ATPase. Journal of Biological Chemistry. [IF=1.122, Cited=0, 8226880].