Shechtman, Dan
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Ahmed Q, Avidan AY, Ciechanover A, ..., Lavie P (2014) Israel-Gaza conflict. The Lancet. [IF=25.787, Cited=2, 25145777].
- Willbold E, Kalla K, Janning C, ..., Witte F (2024) Dissolving magnesium hydroxide implants enhance mainly cancellous
bone formation whereas degrading RS66 implants lead to prominent periosteal bone formation in rabbits. None. [IF=None,
Cited=0, 39053818].
- Shechtman D (2014) Foreword: Focus on complex metallic phases. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials. [IF=1.832,
Cited=1, 27877710].
- Shechtman D (2013) Quasi-periodic crystals-the long road from discovery to acceptance. Rambam Maimonides Medical
Journal. [IF=0.535, Cited=1, 23908852].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Robinson DA, Griffith RW, Shechtman D, ..., Conzemius MG (2009) In vitro antibacterial properties of magnesium metal
against Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus. None. [IF=None, Cited=80, 19818422].
- Willbold E, Kalla K, Bartsch I, ..., Witte F (2013) Biocompatibility of rapidly solidified magnesium alloy RS66 as a
temporary biodegradable metal. None. [IF=None, Cited=31, 23416472].
- Shechtman D (2013) Q&A: The technology starter. Interview by Valerie Gerard. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=0, 24132333].
- Swartzendruber L, Shechtman D, Bendersky L, Cahn J (1985) Nuclear gamma -ray resonance observations in an aluminum-based
icosahedral quasicrystal. None. [IF=None, Cited=29, 9937171].
- Dufek MA, Shechtman D (1999) Floppy eyelid syndrome: a diagnostic dilemma. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 10485175].