Pople, John
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Pople J (1999) Quantum Chemical Models (Nobel Lecture). Angewandte Chemie - International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=16, 34182688].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Pople J, Ball RL, Padgett MJ, Aston JP (2002) Construction of a database of benzene biological monitoring. Toxicology
Letters. [IF=0.908, Cited=4, 12191892].
- Rosu C, Russo PS, Daly WH, ..., Negulescu II (2015) Sugar-Based Polyamides: Self-Organization in Strong Polar Organic
Solvents. Biomacromolecules. [IF=1.112, Cited=0, 26270020].
- Sun J, Lyles BF, Yu KH, ..., Russo PS (2007) Diffusion of dextran probes in a self-assembled fibrous gel composed of
two-dimensional arborols. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=4, 18069819].
- Kurtz RE, Toney MF, Pople J, ..., Fuller GG (2008) Langmuir monolayers of straight-chain and branched hexadecanol and
eicosanol mixtures. Langmuir. [IF=0.927, Cited=2, 19360939].
- Patel SN, Javier AE, Beers KM, ..., Balsara NP (2012) Morphology and thermodynamic properties of a copolymer with an
electronically conducting block: poly(3-ethylhexylthiophene)-block-poly(ethylene oxide). Nano Letters. [IF=1.873,
Cited=8, 22839306].
- Jackson A, Beers KM, Chen XC, ..., Balsara NP (2013) Design of a humidity controlled sample stage for simultaneous
conductivity and synchrotron X-ray scattering measurements. Review of Scientific Instruments. [IF=0.917, Cited=4, 23902113].
- Pople J, Moore AE, Talbot DCS, ..., Lim FL (2014) Climbazole increases expression of cornified envelope proteins in
primary keratinocytes. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. [IF=0.813, Cited=2, 24811958].
- Pople J, Bhogal RK, Moore AE, Jenkins G (2019) Changes in epidermal morphology associated with dandruff. International
Journal of Cosmetic Science. [IF=0.813, Cited=2, 31087801].
- Kinney JH, Pople J, Driessen CH, ..., Marshall SJ (2001) Intrafibrillar mineral may be absent in dentinogenesis
imperfecta type II (DI-II). Journal of Dental Research. [IF=2.303, Cited=32, 11499512].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Kinney JH, Pople J, Marshall GW, Marshall SJ (2001) Collagen orientation and crystallite size in human dentin: a small
angle X-ray scattering study. Calcified Tissue International. [IF=1.222, Cited=49, 11685431].
- Kinney JH, Nalla RK, Pople J, ..., Ritchie RO (2005) Age-related transparent root dentin: mineral concentration,
crystallite size, and mechanical properties. Biomaterials. [IF=1.871, Cited=103, 15603832].
- Pople J, Gordon M (1967) Molecular orbital theory of the electronic structure of organic compounds. I. Substituent
effects and dipole moments. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=46, 26270792].
- Aston JP, Ball RL, Pople J, ..., Cocker J (2002) Development and validation of a competitive immunoassay for urinary
S-phenylmercapturic acid and its application in benzene biological monitoring. Biomarkers. [IF=0.698, Cited=15, 12101630].
- Hahn H, Eitouni HB, Balsara NP, Pople J (2003) Responsive solids from cross-linked block copolymers. Physical Review
Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=1, 12732048].
- Chianelli RR, Perez De la Rosa M, Meitzner G, ..., Polette LA (2005) Synchrotron and simulations techniques applied to
problems in materials science: catalysts and Azul Maya pigments. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. [IF=1.196, Cited=2, 15728965].
- Pople J, Keates PA, Mitchell GR (1997) A Two-Dimensional X-ray Scattering System for In-Situ Time-Resolving Studies of
Polymer Structures Subjected to Controlled Deformations. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. [IF=1.196, Cited=0, 16699240].
- James AG, Pople J, Parish WE, ..., Dunbar N (2006) Histological evaluation of hyperpigmentation on female Filipino
axillary skin. International Journal of Cosmetic Science. [IF=0.813, Cited=4, 18489264].
- Pople J, Oliver D (None) Oral thrush in hospice patients. None. [IF=None, Cited=8, 3642458].