Pimentel, George C
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Allamandola LJ, Lucas D, Pimentel GC (1978) Synchronized flash photolysis and pulse deposition in matrix isolation
experiments. Review of Scientific Instruments. [IF=0.917, Cited=1, 18699221].
- Pimentel GC, Spratley RD, Miller AR (1964) Helium Difluoride: Possible Preparative Techniques Based on Nuclear
Transmutations. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17772617].
- Shirk JS, Haseltine WA, Pimentel GC (1965) Sinton Bands: Evidence for Deuterated Water on Mars. Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=0, 17799778].
- Herr KC, Pimentel GC (1969) Infrared Absorptions near Three Microns Recorded over the Polar Cap of Mars. Science.
[IF=7.729, Cited=7, 17731905].
- Herr KC, Pimentel GC (1970) Evidence for solid carbon dioxide in the upper atmosphere of Mars. Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=0, 17759496].
- Pimentel GC, Pimentel GC, Pitzer KS, Pitzer KS (1981) Centuary of joel h. Hildebrand. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=1, 17782429].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Pimentel GC (1986) Chemistry and national well-being. Environmental Science & Technology. [IF=2.052, Cited=0, 22288798].
- Jensen RJ, Pimentel GC (1967) Kinetics of decomposition of chloroformic acid by rapid-scan infrared spectroscopy. None.
[IF=None, Cited=0, 6045720].
- Turner JJ, Pimentel GC (1963) Krypton Fluoride: Preparation by the Matrix Isolation Technique. Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=32, 17836480].
- Pimentel GC (1965) Exams: The College Boards in Chemistry. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=0, 17799765].
- Pimentel GC, Brown HW, Otvos JW (1966) Recent developments in the study of energy transfer. Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=0, 17746746].
- Horn D, Pimentel GC (1971) 2.5-km Low-Temperature Multiple-Reflection Cell. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=15, 20111223].
- Herr KC, Forney PB, Pimentel GC (1972) Mariner Mars 1969 infrared spectrometer. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=2, 20111539].
- Reilly JP, Pimentel GC (1976) Intracavity dye laser spectroscopy as a gain probing technique. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885,
Cited=3, 20165403].
- Young MA, Pimentel GC (1989) Nanosecond infrared absorption spectrometer. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=1, 20555862].
- Pimentel GC (1968) Rapid advances in rapid scan spectroscopy. Applied Optics. [IF=0.885, Cited=4, 20068958].