Narayan, Alison
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Lukowski AL, Narayan A (2019) Natural Voltage-Gated Sodium Channel Ligands: Biosynthesis and Biology. ChemBioChem.
[IF=0.691, Cited=5, 30605564].
- Denomme N, Lukowski AL, Hull JM, ..., Isom LL (2020) The voltage-gated sodium channel inhibitor,
4,9-anhydrotetrodotoxin, blocks human Nav1.1 in addition to Nav1.6. Neuroscience Letters.
[IF=0.777, Cited=8, 32114117].
- Baker Dockrey SA, Narayan A (2019) Flavin-dependent biocatalysts in synthesis. Tetrahedron. [IF=0.579, Cited=13, 31274935].
- Chakrabarty S, Romero EO, Pyser JB, ..., Narayan A (2021) Chemoenzymatic Total Synthesis of Natural Products. Accounts
of Chemical Research. [IF=3.533, Cited=25, 33600149].
- Makey DM, Diehl RC, Xin Y, ..., Kennedy RT (2023) High-Throughput Liquid Chromatographic Analysis Using a Segmented Flow
Injector with a 1 s Cycle Time. Analytical Chemistry. [IF=1.41, Cited=1, 37943345].
- Skinner KC, Kammeraad JA, Wymore T, ..., Zimmerman PM (2023) Simulating Electron Transfer Reactions in Solution:
Radical-Polar Crossover. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=0, 37976536].
- Baker Dockrey SA, Narayan A (2020) Photocatalytic Oxidative Dearomatization of Orcinaldehyde Derivatives. Organic
Letters. [IF=1.091, Cited=4, 32293185].
- Romero EO, Perkins JC, Burch JE, ..., Narayan A (2023) Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of (+)-Xyloketal B. Organic Letters.
[IF=1.091, Cited=0, 36827601].
- Chun SW, Narayan A (2020) Biocatalytic, Stereoselective Deuteration of α-Amino Acids and Methyl Esters. ACS Catalysis.
[IF=2.134, Cited=16, 34430066].
- Benítez AR, Tweedy S, Baker Dockrey SA, ..., Narayan A (2019) Structural basis for selectivity in flavin-dependent
monooxygenase-catalyzed oxidative dearomatization. ACS Catalysis. [IF=2.134, Cited=18, 31346489].
- Pyser JB, Chakrabarty S, Romero EO, Narayan A (2021) State-of-the-Art Biocatalysis. ACS Central Science. [IF=2.363,
Cited=19, 34345663].
- Wang Y, Torma KJ, Pyser JB, ..., Narayan A (2024) Substrate-Selective Catalysis Enabled Synthesis of Azaphilone Natural
Products. ACS Central Science. [IF=2.363, Cited=0, 38559303].
- Gilbert MM, DeMars MD, Yang S, ..., Montgomery J (2017) Synthesis of Diverse 11- and 12-Membered Macrolactones from a
Common Linear Substrate Using a Single Biocatalyst. ACS Central Science. [IF=2.363, Cited=12, 29296671].
- Dockrey SAB, Suh CE, Benítez AR, ..., Narayan A (2019) Positioning-Group-Enabled Biocatalytic Oxidative Dearomatization.
ACS Central Science. [IF=2.363, Cited=9, 31263760].
- Lao Y, Skiba MA, Chun SW, ..., Smith JL (2022) Structural Basis for Control of Methylation Extent in Polyketide Synthase
Metal-Dependent C-Methyltransferases. ACS Chemical Biology. [IF=0.963, Cited=2, 35594521].
- Zetzsche LE, Chakrabarty S, Narayan A (2022) Development of a P450 Fusion Enzyme for Biaryl Coupling in Yeast. ACS
Chemical Biology. [IF=0.963, Cited=1, 36315613].
- Zetzsche LE, Chakrabarty S, Narayan A (2022) The Transformative Power of Biocatalysis in Convergent Synthesis. Journal
of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=13, 35290055].
- Champagne SE, Chiang CH, Gemmel PM, ..., Narayan A (2024) Biocatalytic Stereoselective Oxidation of 2-Arylindoles.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=0, 38237569].
- Wang Y, Das S, Aboulhosn K, ..., Narayan A (2024) Nature-Inspired Radical Pyridoxal-Mediated C-C Bond Formation. Journal
of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=0, 39106078].
- Chun SW, Hinze ME, Skiba MA, Narayan A (2018) Chemistry of a Unique Polyketide-like Synthase. Journal of the American
Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=29, 29390180].
- Lukowski AL, Ellinwood DC, Hinze ME, ..., Narayan ARH (2018) C-H Hydroxylation in Paralytic Shellfish Toxin
Biosynthesis. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=29, 30192526].
- Romero EO, Saucedo AT, Hernández-Meléndez JR, ..., Narayan A (2023) Enabling Broader Adoption of Biocatalysis in Organic
Chemistry. JACS Au. [IF=1.606, Cited=3, 37654599].
- Whicher JR, Dutta S, Hansen DA, ..., Skiniotis G (2014) Structural rearrangements of a polyketide synthase module during
its catalytic cycle. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=106, 24965656].
- Dutta S, Whicher JR, Hansen DA, ..., Skiniotis G (2014) Structure of a modular polyketide synthase. Nature. [IF=11.591,
Cited=165, 24965652].
- Narayan A, Jiménez-Osés G, Liu P, ..., Sherman DH (2015) Enzymatic hydroxylation of an unactivated methylene C-H bond
guided by molecular dynamics simulations. Nature Chemistry. [IF=3.667, Cited=45, 26201742].
- Baker Dockrey SA, Lukowski AL, Becker MR, Narayan A (2017) Biocatalytic site- and enantioselective oxidative
dearomatization of phenols. Nature Chemistry. [IF=3.667, Cited=49, 29359749].
- Lukowski AL, Liu J, Bridwell-Rabb J, Narayan A (2020) Structural basis for divergent C-H hydroxylation selectivity in
two Rieske oxygenases. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=18, 32532989].
- Liu J, Tian J, Perry C, ..., Bridwell-Rabb J (2022) Design principles for site-selective hydroxylation by a Rieske
oxygenase. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=9, 35017498].
- Aspuru-Guzik A, Baik MH, Balasubramanian S, ..., Zhang H (2019) Charting a course for chemistry. Nature Chemistry.
[IF=3.667, Cited=1, 30903035].
- Zetzsche LE, Narayan A (2020) Broadening the scope of biocatalytic C-C bond formation. Nature Reviews Chemistry.
[IF=5.727, Cited=31, 34430708].
- Zetzsche LE, Yazarians JA, Chakrabarty S, ..., Narayan A (2022) Biocatalytic oxidative cross-coupling reactions for
biaryl bond formation. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=24, 35236972].
- Chakrabarty S, Wang Y, Perkins JC, Narayan A (2020) Scalable biocatalytic C-H oxyfunctionalization reactions. Chemical
Society Reviews. [IF=8.116, Cited=30, 32701110].
- Chun SW, Narayan A (2019) Biocatalytic synthesis of α-amino ketones. Synlett. [IF=0.473, Cited=6, 31354189].
- Doyon TJ, Narayan A (2019) Synthetic utility of one-pot chemoenzymatic reaction sequences. Synlett. [IF=0.473, Cited=2, 32440038].
- Chiang CH, Wymore T, Rodríguez Benítez A, ..., Narayan A (2023) Deciphering the evolution of flavin-dependent
monooxygenase stereoselectivity using ancestral sequence reconstruction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=5, 37014851].
- Baker Dockrey SA, Doyon TJ, Perkins JC, Narayan A (2018) Whole-cell biocatalysis platform for gram-scale oxidative
dearomatization of phenols. None. [IF=None, Cited=5, 30485666].
- Narayan A, Sherman DH (2013) Chemistry. Re-engineering nature's catalysts. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=8, 23329039].
- Jacober SJ, Narayan A, Strodel WE, Vinik AI (1986) Jejunostomy feeding in the management of gastroparesis diabeticorum.
Diabetes Care. [IF=4.781, Cited=26, 3084186].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Narayan A, Ji W, Zhang XY, ..., Ehrlich M (1998) Hypomethylation of pericentromeric DNA in breast adenocarcinomas.
International Journal of Cancer. [IF=1.931, Cited=138, 9714050].
- Narayan A, Kumar S, Singh MP, Sharma LK (1993) Early discharge after operation. British Journal of Surgery. [IF=2.615,
Cited=2, 8298932].
- Narayan A, Madhusudhan MC, Raghavarao KSMS (2008) Extraction and purification of Ipomoea peroxidase employing three-
phase partitioning. None. [IF=None, Cited=16, 18369532].
- Vengalasetti YV, Narayan A, Brown CA, ..., Miles RC (2022) Utilization of Screening Mammography in Women Before 50:
Cross-Sectional Survey Results from the National Health Interview Survey. Academic Radiology. [IF=1.451, Cited=0, 35965156].
- Narayan A, Bynum J, Demehri S, Fayad L (2018) Radiation-related soft tissue sarcoma in a veterinary technician.
Diagnostic and interventional imaging. [IF=1.287, Cited=0, 29398573].
- Jackson B, Kirkland JA, Lawrence JR, ..., Mills LR (1978) Urine cytology findings in analgesic nephropathy. Journal of
Urology. [IF=2.411, Cited=2, 671620].
- Narayan A, Tuck-Muller C, Weissbecker K, ..., Ehrlich M (2000) Hypersensitivity to radiation-induced non-apoptotic and
apoptotic death in cell lines from patients with the ICF chromosome instability syndrome. Mutation Research -
Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis. [IF=0.498, Cited=13, 11087891].
- Li R, Sparveris N, Atac H, ..., Zhou J (2022) Measured proton electromagnetic structure deviates from theoretical
predictions. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=0, 36261531].
- Posik M, Flay D, Parno DS, ..., Zheng X (2014) Precision measurement of the neutron twist-3 matrix element d(2)(n):
probing color forces. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=2, 25062166].
- Katich J, Qian X, Zhao YX, ..., Zong X (2014) Measurement of the target-normal single-spin asymmetry in deep-inelastic
scattering from the reaction (3)He(↑)(e,e')X. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=2, 25062169].
- Acharya S, Adamová D, Adolfsson J, ..., Zou S (2017) J/ψ Elliptic Flow in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=2, 29286736].
- Acharya S, Adamová D, Adolfsson J, ..., Zou S (2018) D-Meson Azimuthal Anisotropy in Midcentral Pb-Pb Collisions at
sqrt[s]_{NN}=5.02 TeV. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=3, 29570314].
- Armstrong W, Kang H, Liyanage A, ..., Zhu L (2019) Revealing Color Forces with Transverse Polarized Electron Scattering.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=0, 30720291].
- Acharya S, Adamová D, Adolfsson J, ..., Zou S (2019) Azimuthal Anisotropy of Heavy-Flavor Decay Electrons in p-Pb
Collisions at sqrt[s_{NN}]=5.02 TeV. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=0, 30848618].
- Androić D, Armstrong DS, Armstrong D, ..., Zhamkochyan S (2020) Precision Measurement of the Beam-Normal Single-Spin
Asymmetry in Forward-Angle Elastic Electron-Proton Scattering. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=0, 32976004].
- Adhikari D, Albataineh H, Androic D, ..., Zheng X (2021) Accurate Determination of the Neutron Skin Thickness of
^{208}Pb through Parity-Violation in Electron Scattering. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=4, 33988387].
- Androić D, Armstrong DS, Armstrong D, ..., Lin Z (2022) Determination of the ^{27}Al Neutron Distribution Radius from a
Parity-Violating Electron Scattering Measurement. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=0, 35426696].
- Adhikari D, Albataineh H, Androic D, ..., Zheng X (2022) Precision Determination of the Neutral Weak Form Factor of
^{48}Ca. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=1, 35939025].
- Narayan A, Ersek A, Campbell TA, ..., Zanjani ED (2005) The effect of hypoxia and stem cell source on haemoglobin
switching. British Journal of Haematology. [IF=1.359, Cited=18, 15686468].
- Hanne LF, Kirk LL, Appel SM, ..., Bains KK (1993) Degradation and induction specificity in actinomycetes that degrade
p-nitrophenol. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. [IF=1.103, Cited=47, 8250573].
- Acharya S, Adamová D, Aggarwal MM, ..., Zmeskal J (2017) Production of [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text]
mesons up to high transverse momentum in pp collisions at 2.76 TeV. European Physical Journal C. [IF=1.301, Cited=1, 28943788].
- Narayan A, Chase JL, Lewis RL, ..., Zanjani ED (2005) Human embryonic stem cell-derived hematopoietic cells are capable
of engrafting primary as well as secondary fetal sheep recipients. Blood. [IF=2.983, Cited=68, 16278307].
- Narayan A, Ramirez WF (1998) Three-dimensional modeling, estimation, and fault diagnosis of spacecraft air contaminants.
Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. [IF=1.246, Cited=0, 11543186].
- Narayan A, Virupaksha HS, Thejaswi G, ..., Thyloth M (2015) A Case Report on Varenicline Induced Delirium in an Alcohol
and Nicotine Dependent Patient. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine. [IF=1.172, Cited=1, 26664090].
- Prakash PR, Narayan A, Jain S, Wig N (2024) Chronic arsenic poisoning: A sinister cause of peripheral neuropathy in a
young couple. Journal of Postgraduate Medicine. [IF=0.744, Cited=0, 38629272].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Heller ST, Kiho T, Narayan A, Sarpong R (2013) Protic-solvent-mediated cycloisomerization of quinoline and isoquinoline
propargylic alcohols: syntheses of (±)-3-demethoxyerythratidinone and (±)-cocculidine. Angewandte Chemie - International
Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=14, 24009078].
- Nagaraj N, Narayan A, Srinivas ND, Raghavarao KSMS (2003) Microwave-field-assisted enhanced demixing of aqueous two-
phase systems. Analytical Biochemistry. [IF=0.706, Cited=2, 12531197].
- Qu G, Dubeau L, Narayan A, ..., Ehrlich M (1999) Satellite DNA hypomethylation vs. overall genomic hypomethylation in
ovarian epithelial tumors of different malignant potential. Mutation Research - Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of
Mutagenesis. [IF=0.498, Cited=89, 10029684].
- Qu GZ, Grundy PE, Narayan A, Ehrlich M (1999) Frequent hypomethylation in Wilms tumors of pericentromeric DNA in
chromosomes 1 and 16. None. [IF=None, Cited=83, 9973957].
- Roos CB, Chiang CH, Murray LAM, ..., Narayan A (2023) Stereodynamic Strategies to Induce and Enrich Chirality of
Atropisomers at a Late Stage. Chemical Reviews. [IF=11.712, Cited=1, 37639323].
- Tweedy SE, Rodríguez Benítez A, Narayan A, ..., Wymore T (2019) Hydroxyl Radical-Coupled Electron-Transfer Mechanism of
Flavin-Dependent Hydroxylases. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=5, 31532200].
- Rodríguez Benítez A, Narayan A (2019) Frontiers in Biocatalysis: Profiling Function across Sequence Space. ACS Central
Science. [IF=2.363, Cited=10, 31807675].
- Ackenhusen SE, Wang Y, Chun SW, Narayan A (2022) Understanding and Circumventing the Requirement for Native Thioester
Substrates for α-Oxoamine Synthase Reactions. ACS Chemical Biology. [IF=0.963, Cited=2, 35972789].
- Lukowski AL, Denomme N, Hinze ME, ..., Narayan A (2019) Biocatalytic Detoxification of Paralytic Shellfish Toxins. ACS
Chemical Biology. [IF=0.963, Cited=16, 30983320].
- Lukowski AL, Mallik L, Hinze ME, ..., Narayan A (2020) Substrate Promiscuity of a Paralytic Shellfish Toxin
Amidinotransferase. ACS Chemical Biology. [IF=0.963, Cited=8, 32058687].
- Hansen DA, Rath CM, Eisman EB, ..., Sherman DH (2013) Biocatalytic synthesis of pikromycin, methymycin, neomethymycin,
novamethymycin, and ketomethymycin. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=31, 23866020].
- Negretti S, Narayan A, Chiou KC, ..., Sherman DH (2014) Directing group-controlled regioselectivity in an enzymatic C-H
bond oxygenation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=35, 24627965].
- Pyser JB, Baker Dockrey SA, Benítez AR, ..., Narayan A (2019) Stereodivergent, Chemoenzymatic Synthesis of Azaphilone
Natural Products. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=27, 31692339].
- Doyon TJ, Perkins JC, Baker Dockrey SA, ..., Narayan A (2019) Chemoenzymatic o-Quinone Methide Formation. Journal
of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=17, 31840992].
- Narayan A (2019) Enzymes trapped and zapped for use outside cells. Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=1, 30880330].
- Narayan A (1976) Inbreeding components of body weight and growth rate in Japanese Quail. British Poultry Science.
[IF=0.83, Cited=0, 1260477].
- Narayan A (1976) Effects of different rates of inbreeding on the body weight and rate of gain of Japanese quail. British
Poultry Science. [IF=0.83, Cited=2, 1276969].
- Narayan A (1976) Inheritance of body weight and rate of gain in Japanese quail. British Poultry Science. [IF=0.83,
Cited=0, 963569].
- Narayan A (1977) Evaluation of control populations: body weight and rate of gain in Japanese quail. British Poultry
Science. [IF=0.83, Cited=0, 902132].
- Narayan A (1986) Complications in premature infants. Technology-related problems to watch for. Postgraduate Medicine.
[IF=1.124, Cited=0, 3510427].
- Kondo T, Bobek MP, Kuick R, ..., Hanash SM (2000) Whole-genome methylation scan in ICF syndrome: hypomethylation of non-
satellite DNA repeats D4Z4 and NBL2. Human Molecular Genetics. [IF=1.158, Cited=99, 10699183].
- Puckett AJR, Brash EJ, Jones MK, ..., Zhu L (2010) Recoil polarization measurements of the proton electromagnetic form
factor ratio to Q2 = 8.5 GeV2. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=1, 20873943].
- Meziane M, Brash EJ, Gilman R, ..., Zhu L (2011) Search for effects beyond the born approximation in polarization
transfer observables in e(over→)p elastic scattering. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=0, 21520982].
- Qian X, Allada K, Dutta C, ..., Zong X (2011) Single spin asymmetries in charged pion production from semi-inclusive
deep inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized 3He Target at Q2 = 1.4-2.7 GeV2. Physical Review Letters.
[IF=2.288, Cited=2, 21902386].
- Huang J, Allada K, Dutta C, ..., Zong X (2012) Beam-target double-spin asymmetry A{LT} in charged pion production from
deep inelastic scattering on a transversely polarized {3}He target at 1.4[IF=2.288, Cited=2, 22400926].
- Ahmed Z, Allada K, Aniol KA, ..., Zheng X (2012) New precision limit on the strange vector form factors of the proton.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=1, 22468841].
- Luo W, Brash EJ, Gilman R, ..., Zhu L (2012) Polarization components in π0 photoproduction at photon energies up to 5.6
GeV. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=1, 23180491].
- Wang D, Pan K, Subedi R, ..., Zheng X (2013) Measurements of parity-violating asymmetries in electron-deuteron
scattering in the nucleon resonance region. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=0, 24016222].
- Androic D, Armstrong DS, Armstrong D, ..., Zhamkochyan S (2013) First determination of the weak charge of the proton.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=5, 24152148].
- Tuck-Muller CM, Narayan A, Tsien F, ..., Ehrlich M (2000) DNA hypomethylation and unusual chromosome instability in cell
lines from ICF syndrome patients. None. [IF=None, Cited=110, 10894953].
- Narayan A, Mohan R, Gowda MA (2016) Quadriparesis after a wasp sting. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 27031982].
- Narayan A (None) Quality through equality. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 11209335].
- Srivastava VK, Narayan A, Laisram N, ..., Rao GN (1989) Serum copper in ICC and other hepatic disorders. Indian
Pediatrics. [IF=0.772, Cited=0, 2599600].
- Srivastava VK, Uppal SS, Laisram N, ..., Shriniwas N (1987) Soluble antigen fluorescent antibody (SAFA) test is not
useful in childhood tuberculosis. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 3319663].
- Srivastava VK, Narayan A, Srivastava L (1986) Comparison of counter current immunoelectrophoresis and Widal tests in the
diagnosis of typhoid fever in childhood. Indian Journal of Pathology and Microbiology. [IF=0.539, Cited=0, 3781608].
- Benson DW, Dunnigan A, Benditt DG, ..., Boros S (1985) Prediction of digoxin treatment failure in infants with
supraventricular tachycardia: role of transesophageal pacing. Pediatrics. [IF=2.905, Cited=0, 3969330].
- Gupta JP, Narayan A (1985) Non-functioning short colon with anorectal malformation. Journal of the Indian Medical
Association. [IF=0.012, Cited=0, 4056428].
- Gupta JP, Narayan A (1985) Medullary carcinoma of thyroid in a child with stunted growth. Journal of the Indian Medical
Association. [IF=0.012, Cited=0, 4056439].
- Narayan A, Walker-Wilson J (1966) An unusual case of chronic retention of urine. A case presentation. International
Surgery. [IF=0.076, Cited=0, 4165731].
- Rawat S, Narayan A, Bisht GS (1979) Effect of season on growth of guinea pigs. Indian Veterinary Journal. [IF=0.154,
Cited=0, 541105].
- Narayan A, Rao NR (1970) Unusual enteritis in Manipal, India. International Surgery. [IF=0.076, Cited=0, 5463344].
- Narayan A, Rao KP (1968) Neurofibroma of the breast. Journal of the Indian Medical Association. [IF=0.012, Cited=0, 5665611].
- Narayan A, Wilks J (1966) Management of prostatectomy cases with the three way catheter (Foley-Stewart) and Redi-vac
apparatus. International Surgery. [IF=0.076, Cited=0, 5963348].
- Gupta JP, Narayan A (1984) Tuberculous empyema necessitatis with a rib floating in pleural cavity. Journal of the Indian
Medical Association. [IF=0.012, Cited=0, 6535805].
- Narayan A, Dalvi SG, Medhekar TP, ..., Dalvi CP (1982) Subclavian artery compression as an unusual manifestation of
Hydatid disease of lung. The Journal of the Association of Physicians of India. [IF=0.255, Cited=0, 7169406].
- Narayan A, Rao MM, Mathew TH (1982) Expanded polytetra fluoroethylene (PTFE) graft in hemodialysis. International
Surgery. [IF=0.076, Cited=0, 7183627].
- Narayan A, Gallagher F, McErlean DP, ..., Duff FA (1977) Renal tuberculosis--a review of 66 cases. Irish Medical
Journal. [IF=0.182, Cited=0, 863655].