Myer, Jessica S
Publication with MATCHING institution:
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Myer JS, White RT (1965) Aggressive motivation in the rat. Animal Behaviour. [IF=1.033, Cited=21, 5894175].
- Myer JS, Kowell AP (1971) Eating patterns and body weight change of snakes when eating and when food deprived.
Physiology and Behavior. [IF=1.02, Cited=5, 5125460].
- Smith GJ, Myer JS, Hull JH, Thomas DA (1979) Behavioral effects of prolonged ethanol consumption on temporal shock
discrimination. Physiology and Behavior. [IF=1.02, Cited=5, 572559].
- Myer JS (1967) Prior killing experience and the suppressive effects of punishment on the killing of mice by rats. Animal
Behaviour. [IF=1.033, Cited=10, 6067715].
- Thomas DA, Riccio DC, Myer JS (1977) Age of stress-produced odorants and the Kamin effect. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 561598].
- Myer JS, Baenninger R (1966) Some effects of punishment and stress on mouse killing by rats. None. [IF=None, Cited=19, 6008014].
- Myer JS (1968) Associative and temporal determinants of facilitation and inhibition of attack by pai. None. [IF=None,
Cited=3, 5691589].
- Myer JS, Ricci D (1968) Delay of punishment gradients for the goldfish. None. [IF=None, Cited=2, 5722051].
- Myer JS (1969) Early experience and the development of mouse killing by rats. None. [IF=None, Cited=20, 5815162].
- Myer JS, Kowell AP (1971) Loss and subsequent recovery of body weight in water-deprived snakes (Elaphe obsoleta
obsoleta). None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 5559219].
- Myer JS (1973) Effects of punishing elements of a simple instrumental-consummatory response chain. Journal of the
Experimental Analysis of Behavior. [IF=1.189, Cited=2, 4706237].