Molinero, Valeria
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Dhabal D, Bertolazzo AA, Molinero V (2022) What Is the Smallest Zeolite That Could Be Synthesized? Angewandte Chemie -
International Edition. [IF=2.456, Cited=0, 35502460].
- Song B, Charest N, Alexander Morriss-Andrews H, ..., Shea JE (2017) Systematic derivation of implicit solvent models for
the study of polymer collapse. Journal of Computational Chemistry. [IF=1.045, Cited=1, 28236312].
- Kamat K, Naullage PM, Molinero V, Peters B (2021) Diffusion Attachment Model for Long Helical Antifreeze Proteins to
Ice. Biomacromolecules. [IF=1.112, Cited=1, 34928587].
- Cisneros GA, Wikfeldt KT, Ojamäe L, ..., Paesani F (2016) Modeling Molecular Interactions in Water: From Pairwise to
Many-Body Potential Energy Functions. Chemical Reviews. [IF=11.712, Cited=100, 27186804].
- Perez Sirkin YA, Factorovich MH, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2016) Vapor Pressure of Aqueous Solutions of Electrolytes
Reproduced with Coarse-Grained Models without Electrostatics. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512,
Cited=4, 27196963].
- Lu J, Jacobson LC, Perez Sirkin YA, Molinero V (2016) High-Resolution Coarse-Grained Model of Hydrated Anion-Exchange
Membranes that Accounts for Hydrophobic and Ionic Interactions through Short-Ranged Potentials. Journal of Chemical
Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=7, 28068769].
- Perez Sirkin YA, Factorovich MH, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2017) Stability and Vapor Pressure of Aqueous Aggregates and
Aerosols Containing a Monovalent Ion. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=1, 28282149].
- Dhabal D, Sankaranarayanan SKRS, Molinero V (2022) Stability and Metastability of Liquid Water in a Machine-Learned
Coarse-Grained Model with Short-Range Interactions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=2, 36383428].
- Dhabal D, Molinero V (2023) Kinetics and Mechanisms of Pressure-Induced Ice Amorphization and Polyamorphic Transitions
in a Machine-Learned Coarse-Grained Water Model. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=2, 36920450].
- Bertolazzo AA, Kumar A, Chakravarty C, Molinero V (2015) Water-like Anomalies and Phase Behavior of a Pair Potential
that Stabilizes Diamond. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=2, 26426477].
- Qiu Y, Lupi L, Molinero V (2018) Is Water at the Graphite Interface Vapor-like or Ice-like? Journal of Physical
Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=2, 29298058].
- Kumar A, Molinero V (2018) Why Is Gyroid More Difficult to Nucleate from Disordered Liquids than Lamellar and Hexagonal
Mesophases? Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=3, 29620902].
- Gadea ED, Perez Sirkin YA, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2020) Electrochemically Generated Nanobubbles: Invariance of the
Current with Respect to Electrode Size and Potential. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=3, 32692923].
- de Almeida Ribeiro I, de Koning M, Molinero V (2022) Is It Possible to Follow the Structural Evolution of Water in "No-
Man's Land" Using a Pulsed-Heating Procedure? Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=0, 35080178].
- Bertolazzo AA, Dhabal D, Molinero V (2022) Polymorph Selection in Zeolite Synthesis Occurs after Nucleation. Journal of
Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=1, 35060725].
- Lupi L, Hanscam R, Qiu Y, Molinero V (2017) Reaction Coordinate for Ice Crystallization on a Soft Surface. Journal of
Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=7, 28823159].
- Kumar A, Molinero V (2017) Self-Assembly of Mesophases from Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters.
[IF=1.158, Cited=5, 28960988].
- Poon GG, Lemke T, Peter C, ..., Peters B (2017) Soluble Oligomeric Nucleants: Simulations of Chain Length, Binding
Strength, and Volume Fraction Effects. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=1, 29116791].
- Naullage PM, Qiu Y, Molinero V (2018) What Controls the Limit of Supercooling and Superheating of Pinned Ice Surfaces?
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=8, 29544050].
- Bertolazzo AA, Naullage PM, Peters B, Molinero V (2018) The Clathrate-Water Interface Is Oleophilic. Journal of Physical
Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=5, 29812945].
- Qiu Y, Molinero V (2018) Why Is It So Difficult to Identify the Onset of Ice Premelting? Journal of Physical Chemistry
Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=11, 30149705].
- Kumar A, Molinero V (2018) Two-Step to One-Step Nucleation of a Zeolite through a Metastable Gyroid Mesophase. Journal
of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=2, 30196700].
- Gadea ED, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2023) Nanobubble Stability and Formation on Solid-Liquid Interfaces in Open
Environments. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=0, 37490518].
- Naullage PM, Bertolazzo AA, Molinero V (2019) How Do Surfactants Control the Agglomeration of Clathrate Hydrates? ACS
Central Science. [IF=2.363, Cited=2, 30937370].
- Kastelowitz N, Molinero V (2018) Ice-Liquid Oscillations in Nanoconfined Water. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=9, 30024723].
- Baron R, Molinero V (2012) Water-Driven Cavity-Ligand Binding: Comparison of Thermodynamic Signatures from Coarse-
Grained and Atomic-Level Simulations. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512, Cited=11, 26593014].
- Lu J, Qiu Y, Baron R, Molinero V (2014) Coarse-Graining of TIP4P/2005, TIP4P-Ew, SPC/E, and TIP3P to Monatomic
Anisotropic Water Models Using Relative Entropy Minimization. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. [IF=1.512,
Cited=36, 26588552].
- Jacobson LC, Hujo W, Molinero V (2010) Amorphous precursors in the nucleation of clathrate hydrates. Journal of the
American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=89, 20669949].
- Jacobson LC, Molinero V (2011) Can amorphous nuclei grow crystalline clathrates? The size and crystallinity of critical
clathrate nuclei. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=38, 21466207].
- Johnston JC, Molinero V (2012) Crystallization, melting, and structure of water nanoparticles at atmospherically
relevant temperatures. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=33, 22452637].
- Knott BC, Molinero V, Doherty MF, Peters B (2012) Homogeneous nucleation of methane hydrates: unrealistic under
realistic conditions. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=48, 23148735].
- Factorovich MH, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2014) Vapor pressure of water nanodroplets. Journal of the American Chemical
Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=20, 24580542].
- Lupi L, Hudait A, Molinero V (2014) Heterogeneous nucleation of ice on carbon surfaces. Journal of the American Chemical
Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=61, 24495074].
- Hudait A, Molinero V (2014) Ice crystallization in ultrafine water-salt aerosols: nucleation, ice-solution equilibrium,
and internal structure. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=19, 24820354].
- Metya AK, Molinero V (2021) Is Ice Nucleation by Organic Crystals Nonclassical? An Assessment of the Monolayer
Hypothesis of Ice Nucleation. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=4, 33729789].
- Factorovich MH, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2015) Hydrogen-Bond Heterogeneity Boosts Hydrophobicity of Solid Interfaces.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=3, 26241823].
- Qiu Y, Molinero V (2015) Morphology of Liquid-Liquid Phase Separated Aerosols. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
[IF=2.573, Cited=12, 26230969].
- Hudait A, Molinero V (2016) What Determines the Ice Polymorph in Clouds? Journal of the American Chemical Society.
[IF=2.573, Cited=5, 27355985].
- Qiu Y, Odendahl N, Hudait A, ..., Molinero V (2017) Ice Nucleation Efficiency of Hydroxylated Organic Surfaces Is
Controlled by Their Structural Fluctuations and Mismatch to Ice. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=31, 28135412].
- Hudait A, Allen MT, Molinero V (2017) Sink or Swim: Ions and Organics at the Ice-Air Interface. Journal of the American
Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=2, 28658949].
- Mochizuki K, Qiu Y, Molinero V (2017) Promotion of Homogeneous Ice Nucleation by Soluble Molecules. Journal of the
American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=8, 29111694].
- Mochizuki K, Molinero V (2018) Antifreeze Glycoproteins Bind Reversibly to Ice via Hydrophobic Groups. Journal of the
American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=31, 29392937].
- Hudait A, Odendahl N, Qiu Y, ..., Molinero V (2018) Ice-Nucleating and Antifreeze Proteins Recognize Ice through a
Diversity of Anchored Clathrate and Ice-like Motifs. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=31, 29564892].
- Kumar A, Nguyen AH, Okumu R, ..., Molinero V (2018) Could Mesophases Play a Role in the Nucleation and Polymorph
Selection of Zeolites? Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=5, 30379074].
- Qiu Y, Hudait A, Molinero V (2019) How Size and Aggregation of Ice-Binding Proteins Control Their Ice Nucleation
Efficiency. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=31, 30977366].
- Hudait A, Qiu Y, Odendahl N, Molinero V (2019) Hydrogen-Bonding and Hydrophobic Groups Contribute Equally to the Binding
of Hyperactive Antifreeze and Ice-Nucleating Proteins to Ice. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573,
Cited=15, 31020830].
- Perez Sirkin YA, Gadea ED, Scherlis DA, Molinero V (2019) Mechanisms of Nucleation and Stationary States of
Electrochemically Generated Nanobubbles. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=10, 31190533].
- Naullage PM, Molinero V (2020) Slow Propagation of Ice Binding Limits the Ice-Recrystallization Inhibition Efficiency of
PVA and Other Flexible Polymers. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=9, 32050760].
- Jacobson LC, Molinero V (2010) A methane-water model for coarse-grained simulations of solutions and clathrate hydrates.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=38, 20462253].
- Xu L, Molinero V (2010) Liquid-vapor oscillations of water nanoconfined between hydrophobic disks: thermodynamics and
kinetics. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=23, 20446704].
- DeMille RC, Cheatham TE, Molinero V (2010) A coarse-grained model of DNA with explicit solvation by water and ions.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=32, 21155552].
- Jacobson LC, Hujo W, Molinero V (2010) Nucleation pathways of clathrate hydrates: effect of guest size and solubility.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=40, 20931990].
- Le L, Molinero V (2010) Nanophase segregation in supercooled aqueous solutions and their glasses driven by the
polyamorphism of water. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=37, 21166394].
- Solveyra EG, de la Llave E, Scherlis DA, Molinero V (2011) Melting and crystallization of ice in partially filled
nanopores. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=16, 21863824].
- Xu L, Molinero V (2011) Is there a liquid-liquid transition in confined water? Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
[IF=0.893, Cited=17, 21923129].
- Nguyen AH, Molinero V (2013) Stability and metastability of bromine clathrate polymorphs. Journal of Physical Chemistry
B. [IF=0.893, Cited=5, 23638835].
- Lupi L, Molinero V (2014) Does hydrophilicity of carbon particles improve their ice nucleation ability? Journal of
Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=32, 24533525].
- Jacobson LC, Kirby RM, Molinero V (2014) How short is too short for the interactions of a water potential? Exploring the
parameter space of a coarse-grained water model using uncertainty quantification. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
[IF=0.893, Cited=8, 24605768].
- Nguyen AH, Molinero V (2014) Identification of Clathrate Hydrates, Hexagonal Ice, Cubic Ice, and Liquid Water in
Simulations: the CHILL+ Algorithm. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=41, 25389702].
- Molinero V, Moore EB (2009) Water modeled as an intermediate element between carbon and silicon. Journal of Physical
Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=257, 18956896].
- Jacobson LC, Hujo W, Molinero V (2009) Thermodynamic stability and growth of guest-free clathrate hydrates: a low-
density crystal phase of water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=63, 19585976].
- Lupi L, Hudait A, Peters B, ..., Molinero V (2017) Role of stacking disorder in ice nucleation. Nature. [IF=11.591,
Cited=47, 29120424].
- Guo HB, Perminov A, Bekele S, ..., Berry R (2022) AlphaFold2 models indicate that protein sequence determines both
structure and dynamics. Scientific Reports. [IF=1.312, Cited=29, 35739160].
- Malkin TL, Murray BJ, Salzmann CG, ..., Whale TF (2015) Stacking disorder in ice I. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics.
[IF=0.906, Cited=64, 25380218].
- Hudait A, Qiu S, Lupi L, Molinero V (2016) Free energy contributions and structural characterization of stacking
disordered ices. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=22, 26983558].
- Lu J, Miller C, Molinero V (2017) Parameterization of a coarse-grained model with short-ranged interactions for modeling
fuel cell membranes with controlled water uptake. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=2, 28653074].
- DeMott PJ, Mason RH, McCluskey CS, ..., Prather KA (2018) Ice nucleation by particles containing long-chain fatty acids
of relevance to freezing by sea spray aerosols. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts. [IF=1.16, Cited=6, 30382263].
- Moore EB, Molinero V (2009) Growing correlation length in supercooled water. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184,
Cited=65, 19566164].
- DeMille RC, Molinero V (2009) Coarse-grained ions without charges: reproducing the solvation structure of NaCl in water
using short-ranged potentials. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=15, 19624181].
- Kastelowitz N, Johnston JC, Molinero V (2010) The anomalously high melting temperature of bilayer ice. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=27, 20370137].
- Moore EB, Molinero V (2010) Ice crystallization in water's "no-man's land". Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184,
Cited=65, 20590203].
- de la Llave E, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2010) Water filling of hydrophilic nanopores. Journal of Chemical Physics.
[IF=1.184, Cited=7, 20649343].
- Johnston JC, Kastelowitz N, Molinero V (2010) Liquid to quasicrystal transition in bilayer water. Journal of Chemical
Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=33, 20969412].
- Winkel K, Seidl M, Loerting T, ..., Ricci MA (2011) Structural study of low concentration LiCl aqueous solutions in the
liquid, supercooled, and hyperquenched glassy states. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=15, 21241128].
- Jacobson LC, Matsumoto M, Molinero V (2011) Order parameters for the multistep crystallization of clathrate hydrates.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=18, 21861570].
- Holten V, Limmer DT, Molinero V, Anisimov MA (2013) Nature of the anomalies in the supercooled liquid state of the mW
model of water. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=52, 23656138].
- Song B, Molinero V (2013) Thermodynamic and structural signatures of water-driven methane-methane attraction in coarse-
grained mW water. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=15, 23927274].
- Factorovich MH, Molinero V, Scherlis DA (2014) A simple grand canonical approach to compute the vapor pressure of bulk
and finite size systems. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=4, 24527904].
- Nguyen AH, Molinero V (2014) Cross-nucleation between clathrate hydrate polymorphs: assessing the role of stability,
growth rate, and structure matching. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=13, 24588184].
- Lupi L, Kastelowitz N, Molinero V (2014) Vapor deposition of water on graphitic surfaces: formation of amorphous ice,
bilayer ice, ice I, and liquid water. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=12, 25399173].
- Molinero V, Kay BD (2014) Preface: special topic on interfacial and confined water. Journal of Chemical Physics.
[IF=1.184, Cited=1, 25399165].
- Dhabal D, Nguyen AH, Singh M, ..., Chakravarty C (2015) Excess entropy and crystallization in Stillinger-Weber and
Lennard-Jones fluids. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=12, 26520532].
- Lu J, Chakravarty C, Molinero V (2016) Relationship between the line of density anomaly and the lines of melting,
crystallization, cavitation, and liquid spinodal in coarse-grained water models. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184,
Cited=10, 27334179].
- Lupi L, Peters B, Molinero V (2016) Pre-ordering of interfacial water in the pathway of heterogeneous ice nucleation
does not lead to a two-step crystallization mechanism. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=9, 28799353].
- Dhabal D, Chakravarty C, Molinero V, Kashyap HK (2016) Comparison of liquid-state anomalies in Stillinger-Weber models
of water, silicon, and germanium. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=9, 28799375].
- Marriott M, Lupi L, Kumar A, Molinero V (2019) Following the nucleation pathway from disordered liquid to gyroid
mesophase. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=0, 31042878].
- Factorovich MH, Naullage PM, Molinero V (2019) Can clathrates heterogeneously nucleate ice? Journal of Chemical Physics.
[IF=1.184, Cited=1, 31542043].
- Naullage PM, Metya AK, Molinero V (2020) Computationally efficient approach for the identification of ice-binding
surfaces and how they bind ice. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=1, 33167647].
- Kamat K, Naullage PM, Molinero V, Peters B (2022) Oriented attachment kinetics for rod-like particles at a flat surface:
Buffon's needle at the nanoscale. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=0, 36511557].
- Hudait A, Moberg DR, Qiu Y, ..., Molinero V (2018) Preordering of water is not needed for ice recognition by hyperactive
antifreeze proteins. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=17, 29987018].
- David RO, Marcolli C, Fahrni J, ..., Kanji ZA (2019) Pore condensation and freezing is responsible for ice formation
below water saturation for porous particles. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of
America. [IF=2.765, Cited=12, 30948638].
- Moberg DR, Becker D, Dierking CW, ..., Zeuch T (2019) The end of ice I. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=11, 31685641].
- Schwidetzky R, de Almeida Ribeiro I, Bothen N, ..., Meister K (2023) Functional aggregation of cell-free proteins
enables fungal ice nucleation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=1, 37943838].
- Dhabal D, Kumar R, Molinero V (2024) Liquid-liquid transition and ice crystallization in a machine-learned coarse-
grained water model. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=1, 38709921].
- Singh M, Dhabal D, Nguyen AH, ..., Chakravarty C (2014) Triplet correlations dominate the transition from simple to
tetrahedral liquids. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=18, 24766016].
- Dong D, Zhang W, Barnett A, ..., Bedrov D (2018) Multiscale Modeling of Structure, Transport and Reactivity in Alkaline
Fuel Cell Membranes: Combined Coarse-Grained, Atomistic and Reactive Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Polymers.
[IF=1.167, Cited=4, 30961214].
- Eufemio RJ, de Almeida Ribeiro I, Sformo TL, ..., Meister K (2023) Lichen species across Alaska produce highly active
and stable ice nucleators. Biogeosciences. [IF=1.222, Cited=0, 38818347].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Deng WQ, Molinero V, Goddard WA (2004) Fluorinated imidazoles as proton carriers for water-free fuel cell membranes.
Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=10, 15571377].
- Jang SS, Lin ST, Cagin T, ..., Goddard WA (2005) Nanophase segregation and water dynamics in the dendrion diblock
copolymer formed from the Fréchet polyaryl ethereal dendrimer and linear PTFE. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
[IF=0.893, Cited=11, 16852231].
- Molinero V, Laria D, Kapral R (2000) Dynamics of solvation-induced structural transitions in mesoscopic binary clusters.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=1, 11015937].
- Molinero V, Goddard WA (2005) Microscopic mechanism of water diffusion in glucose glasses. Physical Review Letters.
[IF=2.288, Cited=21, 16090821].
- Molinero V, Sastry S, Angell CA (2006) Tuning of tetrahedrality in a silicon potential yields a series of monatomic
(metal-like) glass formers of very high fragility. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=49, 17026248].
- Bouterige S, Robert R, Bouchara JP, ..., Senet JM (2000) Production and characterization of two monoclonal antibodies
specific for Plasmopara halstedii. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. [IF=1.103, Cited=2, 10919781].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Pérez-Saborido B, Menéu-Díaz JC, de los Galanes SJ, ..., Moreno González E (2009) Short- and long-term overall results
of liver retransplantation: "Doce de Octubre" hospital experience. None. [IF=None, Cited=1, 19715945].
- Bhat MH, Molinero V, Soignard E, ..., Angell CA (2007) Vitrification of a monatomic metallic liquid. Nature. [IF=11.591,
Cited=53, 17700696].
- Moore EB, Molinero V (2011) Structural transformation in supercooled water controls the crystallization rate of ice.
Nature. [IF=11.591, Cited=192, 22113691].
- Moore EB, de la Llave E, Welke K, ..., Molinero V (2010) Freezing, melting and structure of ice in a hydrophilic
nanopore. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=62, 20379503].
- Moore EB, Molinero V (2011) Is it cubic? Ice crystallization from deeply supercooled water. Physical Chemistry Chemical
Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=70, 22009135].
- Bullock G, Molinero V (2013) Low-density liquid water is the mother of ice: on the relation between mesostructure,
thermodynamics and ice crystallization in solutions. None. [IF=None, Cited=27, 24640501].
- Jabes BS, Nayar D, Dhabal D, ..., Chakravarty C (2012) Water and other tetrahedral liquids: order, anomalies and
solvation. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter. [IF=0.812, Cited=17, 22739063].