Marcus, Rudolph A
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Chen WC, Marcus RA (2021) The Drude-Smith Equation and Related Equations for the Frequency-Dependent Electrical
Conductivity of Materials: Insight from a Memory Function Formalism. ChemPhysChem. [IF=0.755, Cited=1, 34143933].
- Chen WC, Marcus RA (2021) The Drude-Smith Equation and Related Equations for the Frequency-Dependent Electrical
Conductivity of Materials: Insight from a Memory Function Formalism. ChemPhysChem. [IF=0.755, Cited=0, 34409719].
- La-o-Vorakiat C, Xia H, Kadro J, ..., Chia EEM (2015) Phonon Mode Transformation Across the Orthohombic-Tetragonal Phase
Transition in a Lead Iodide Perovskite CH3NH3PbI3: A Terahertz Time-Domain Spectroscopy Approach. Journal of Physical
Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=25, 26633131].
- Zhao D, Hu H, Haselsberger R, ..., Chia EEM (2019) Monitoring Electron-Phonon Interactions in Lead Halide Perovskites
Using Time-Resolved THz Spectroscopy. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=7, 31348643].
- Jung Y, Marcus RA (2007) On the nature of organic catalysis "on water". Journal of the American Chemical Society.
[IF=2.573, Cited=145, 17388592].
- Marcus RA (2005) Micelle-enhanced dissociation of a Ru cation /DNA complex. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893,
Cited=4, 16853779].
- Marcus RA (2007) H and other transfers in enzymes and in solution: theory and computations, a unified view. 2.
Applications to experiment and computations. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=31, 17497918].
- Prakash MK, Marcus RA (2007) Dielectric dispersion interpretation of single enzyme dynamic disorder, spectral diffusion,
and radiative fluorescence lifetime. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=3, 17956086].
- Chen WC, Nanbu S, Marcus RA (2010) Isotopomer fractionation in the UV photolysis of N(2)O: 3. 3D Ab initio surfaces and
anharmonic effects. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=3, 20513155].
- Ghaderi N, Marcus RA (2011) Bimolecular recombination reactions: low pressure rates in terms of time-dependent survival
probabilities, total J phase space sampling of trajectories, and comparison with RRKM theory. Journal of Physical
Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=6, 21495673].
- Ghaderi N, Marcus RA (2014) Bimolecular recombination reactions: K-adiabatic and K-active forms of RRKM theory,
nonstatistical aspects, low-pressure rates, and time-dependent survival probabilities with application to ozone. 2.
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=2, 25215533].
- Zhu X, Su H, Marcus RA, Michel-Beyerle ME (2014) Computed and Experimental Absorption Spectra of the Perovskite
CH3NH3PbI3. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=11, 26278260].
- La-O-Vorakiat C, Salim T, Kadro J, ..., Chia EEM (2015) Elucidating the role of disorder and free-carrier recombination
kinetics in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite films. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=23, 26224196].
- Zhu Z, Marcus RA (2014) Extension of the diffusion controlled electron transfer theory for intermittent fluorescence of
quantum dots: inclusion of biexcitons and the difference of "on" and "off" time distributions. Physical Chemistry
Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906, Cited=2, 24801196].
- Marcus RA (2004) Mass-independent isotope effect in the earliest processed solids in the solar system: a possible
chemical mechanism. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=13, 15511139].
- Tang J, Marcus RA (2005) Mechanisms of fluorescence blinking in semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=66, 16108682].
- Chen WC, Marcus RA (2005) On the theory of the CO+OH reaction, including H and C kinetic isotope effects. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=7, 16164345].
- Prakash MK, Marcus RA (2005) Three-isotope plot of fractionation in photolysis: a perturbation theoretical expression.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=2, 16375529].
- Tang J, Marcus RA (2005) Single particle versus ensemble average: from power-law intermittency of a single quantum dot
to quasistretched exponential fluorescence decay of an ensemble. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=27, 16351285].
- Chen WC, Marcus RA (2006) On the theory of the reaction rate of vibrationally excited CO molecules with OH radicals.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=2, 16422582].
- Tang J, Marcus RA (2006) Determination of energetics and kinetics from single-particle intermittency and ensemble-
averaged fluorescence intensity decay of quantum dots. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=9, 16942170].
- Marcus RA (2006) Enzymatic catalysis and transfers in solution. I. Theory and computations, a unified view. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=23, 17129120].
- Gao YQ, Marcus RA (2007) An approximate theory of the ozone isotopic effects: rate constant ratios and pressure
dependence. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=7, 18163684].
- Zhu Z, Marcus RA (2008) On collisional energy transfer in recombination and dissociation reactions: A Wiener-Hopf
problem and the effect of a near elastic peak. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=6, 19063543].
- Kryvohuz M, Marcus RA (2010) Coriolis coupling as a source of non-RRKM effects in triatomic near-symmetric top
molecules: Diffusive intramolecular energy exchange between rotational and vibrational degrees of freedom. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=7, 20550394].
- Kryvohuz M, Marcus RA (2010) Coriolis coupling as a source of non-RRKM effects in ozone molecule: Lifetime statistics of
vibrationally excited ozone molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=12, 20550395].
- Kryvohuz M, Marcus RA (2012) Semiclassical evaluation of kinetic isotope effects in 13-atomic system. Journal of
Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=15, 23039585].
- Boney ETD, Marcus RA (2013) Theory of vibrational equilibria and pooling at solid-diatom interfaces. Journal of Chemical
Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=1, 24089750].
- Boney ETD, Marcus RA (2013) On the infrared fluorescence of monolayer 13CO:NaCl(100). Journal of Chemical Physics.
[IF=1.184, Cited=1, 24320296].
- Sowa JK, Marcus RA (2021) On the theory of charge transport and entropic effects in solvated molecular junctions.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=1, 33499636].
- Pelton M, Smith G, Scherer NF, Marcus RA (2007) Evidence for a diffusion-controlled mechanism for fluorescence blinking
of colloidal quantum dots. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=41, 17720807].
- Prakash MK, Marcus RA (2007) An interpretation of fluctuations in enzyme catalysis rate, spectral diffusion, and
radiative component of lifetimes in terms of electric field fluctuations. Proceedings of the National Academy of
Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=13, 17911244].
- Marcus RA (2013) Theory of mass-independent fractionation of isotopes, phase space accessibility, and a role of isotopic
symmetry. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=9, 23812747].
- Gao YQ, Yang W, Marcus RA, Karplus M (2003) A model for the cooperative free energy transduction and kinetics of ATP
hydrolysis by F1-ATPase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=34, 14500780].
- Voityuk AA, Marcus RA, Michel-Beyerle ME (2014) On the mechanism of photoinduced dimer dissociation in the plant UVR8
photoreceptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=15, 24639509].
- Volkán-Kacsó S, Marcus RA (2015) Theory for rates, equilibrium constants, and Brønsted slopes in F1-ATPase single
molecule imaging experiments. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=14, 26483483].
- Volkán-Kacsó S, Marcus RA (2016) Theory of single-molecule controlled rotation experiments, predictions, tests, and
comparison with stalling experiments in F1-ATPase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=9, 27790985].
- Volkán-Kacsó S, Marcus RA (2017) Theory of long binding events in single-molecule-controlled rotation experiments on
F1-ATPase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=6, 28652332].
- Niu K, Marcus RA (2020) Sum frequency generation, calculation of absolute intensities, comparison with experiments, and
two-field relaxation-based derivation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=4, 31996478].
- Volkán-Kacsó S, Le LQ, Zhu K, ..., Marcus RA (2019) Method to extract multiple states in F1-ATPase rotation
experiments from jump distributions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.
[IF=2.765, Cited=4, 31776250].
- Niu K, Wang HF, Marcus RA (2024) Sum rule comparison of narrowband and broadband sum frequency generation spectra and
comparison with theory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=0, 38691590].
- Haberkorn R, Michel-Beyerle ME, Marcus RA (1979) On spin-exchange and electron-transfer rates in bacterial
photosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=17, 16592700].
- Marcus RA (2010) Interaction of theory and experiment: examples from single molecule studies of nanoparticles.
Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences. [IF=1.42, Cited=2, 20123749].
- Marcus RA (2006) Summarizing lecture: factors influencing enzymatic H-transfers, analysis of nuclear tunnelling isotope
effects and thermodynamic versus specific effects. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological
Sciences. [IF=1.629, Cited=7, 16873131].
- Gao YQ, Marcus RA (2001) Strange and unconventional isotope effects in ozone formation. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=68, 11387441].
- Marcus RA (1992) Skiing the reaction rate slopes. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=14, 17836317].
- Janssen C, Marcus RA (2001) Does symmetry drive isotopic anomalies in ozone isotopomer formation? Science. [IF=7.729,
Cited=6, 11691954].
- Volkán-Kacsó S, Marcus RA (2022) F1-ATPase Rotary Mechanism: Interpreting Results of Diverse Experimental
Modes With an Elastic Coupling Theory. Frontiers in Microbiology. [IF=1.331, Cited=1, 35531282].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Volkán-Kacso S, Marcus RA (2017) What can be learned about the enzyme ATPase from single-molecule studies of its subunit
F1? Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. [IF=1.372, Cited=3, 29233226].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Bisquert J, Marcus RA (2014) Device modeling of dye-sensitized solar cells. None. [IF=None, Cited=4, 24085559].
- Reaven GM, Coulston AM, Marcus RA (1979) Nutritional management of diabetes. Medical Clinics of North America.
[IF=2.745, Cited=0, 388113].
- Marcus RA (2007) Norman Sutin: a personal tribute. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=3, 17567091].
- La-o-Vorakiat C, Salim T, Kadro J, ..., Chia EEM (2016) Corrigendum: Elucidating the role of disorder and free-carrier
recombination kinetics in CH3NH3PbI3 perovskite films. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=1, 26960709].
- Wang Y, Hodas NO, Jung Y, Marcus RA (2011) Microscopic structure and dynamics of air/water interface by computer
simulations--comparison with sum-frequency generation experiments. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. [IF=0.906,
Cited=4, 21347495].
- Jung Y, Marcus RA (2010) Protruding interfacial OH groups and 'on-water' heterogeneous catalysis. Journal of Physics
Condensed Matter. [IF=0.812, Cited=5, 21399289].
- Tang J, Marcus RA (2006) Chain dynamics and power-law distance fluctuations of single-molecule systems. None. [IF=None,
Cited=20, 16605373].
- Tang J, Marcus RA (2005) Diffusion-controlled electron transfer processes and power-law statistics of fluorescence
intermittency of nanoparticles. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=57, 16196963].
- Loose DS, Kan PB, Hirst MA, ..., Feldman D (1983) Ketoconazole blocks adrenal steroidogenesis by inhibiting cytochrome
P450-dependent enzymes. Journal of Clinical Investigation. [IF=2.423, Cited=239, 6304148].
- Uribarri J, Zia M, Mahmood J, ..., Oh MS (1998) Acid production in chronic hemodialysis patients. Journal of the
American Society of Nephrology : JASN. [IF=2.771, Cited=19, 9440095].
- Arrow KJ, Axelrod J, Benacerraf B, ..., Wilson RW (2001) Nobel laureates' letter to President Bush. None. [IF=None,
Cited=2, 12462241].