Lubchenko, Vassiliy
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Vorontsova MA, Chan HY, Lubchenko V, Vekilov PG (2015) Lack of Dependence of the Sizes of the Mesoscopic Protein
Clusters on Electrostatics. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=17, 26536272].
- Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG (2020) Photon Activation of Glassy Dynamics: A Mechanism for Photoinduced Fluidization, Aging,
and Information Storage in Amorphous Materials. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=1, 32857509].
- Ediger MD, Gruebele M, Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG (2021) Glass Dynamics Deep in the Energy Landscape. Journal of Physical
Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=3, 34357766].
- Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG (2018) Aging, Jamming, and the Limits of Stability of Amorphous Solids. Journal of Physical
Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=6, 29216433].
- Lukyanov A, Golden JC, Lubchenko V (2018) Structural Origin of the Midgap Electronic States and the Urbach Tail in
Pnictogen-Chalcogenide Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=0, 30071166].
- Lubchenko V (2006) A universal criterion of melting. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=8, 16986868].
- Pan W, Vekilov PG, Lubchenko V (2010) Origin of anomalous mesoscopic phases in protein solutions. Journal of Physical
Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=41, 20423058].
- Rabochiy P, Lubchenko V (2012) Liquid state elasticity and the onset of activated transport in glass formers. Journal of
Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=5, 22533839].
- Li Y, Lubchenko V, Vorontsova MA, ..., Vekilov PG (2012) Ostwald-like ripening of the anomalous mesoscopic clusters in
protein solutions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=26, 22889282].
- Lubchenko V, Silbey RJ (2013) Molecular binoculars: how to spatially resolve environmental fluctuations by following two
or more single-molecule spectral trails at a time. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=0, 23607646].
- Rabochiy P, Wolynes PG, Lubchenko V (2013) Microscopically based calculations of the free energy barrier and dynamic
length scale in supercooled liquids: the comparative role of configurational entropy and elasticity. Journal of Physical
Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=8, 24195747].
- Lubchenko V, Rabochiy P (2014) On the mechanism of activated transport in glassy liquids. Journal of Physical Chemistry
B. [IF=0.893, Cited=3, 25347199].
- Bevzenko D, Lubchenko V (2009) Stress distribution and the fragility of supercooled melts. Journal of Physical Chemistry
B. [IF=0.893, Cited=10, 19954192].
- Chan HY, Lubchenko V (2019) A mechanism for reversible mesoscopic aggregation in liquid solutions. Nature
Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=10, 31147533].
- Lubchenko V, Silbey RJ (2007) Spectral diffusion and drift: single chromophore and en masse. Journal of Chemical
Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=1, 17313232].
- Lubchenko V (2007) Charge and momentum transfer in supercooled melts: why should their relaxation times differ? Journal
of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=4, 17492870].
- Zhugayevych A, Lubchenko V (2010) An intrinsic formation mechanism for midgap electronic states in semiconductor
glasses. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=5, 20113050].
- Zhugayevych A, Lubchenko V (2010) Electronic structure and the glass transition in pnictide and chalcogenide
semiconductor alloys. I. The formation of the ppσ-network. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=5, 21186871].
- Zhugayevych A, Lubchenko V (2010) Electronic structure and the glass transition in pnictide and chalcogenide
semiconductor alloys. II. The intrinsic electronic midgap states. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=7, 21186872].
- Li Y, Lubchenko V, Vekilov PG (2011) The use of dynamic light scattering and brownian microscopy to characterize protein
aggregation. Review of Scientific Instruments. [IF=0.917, Cited=32, 21639491].
- Rabochiy P, Lubchenko V (2012) Universality of the onset of activated transport in Lennard-Jones liquids with tunable
coordination: implications for the effects of pressure and directional bonding on the crossover to activated transport,
configurational entropy, and fragility of glassforming liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=2, 22380050].
- Rabochiy P, Lubchenko V (2013) Microscopic calculation of the free energy cost for activated transport in glass-forming
liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=3, 23556785].
- Bevzenko D, Lubchenko V (2014) Self-consistent elastic continuum theory of degenerate, equilibrium aperiodic solids.
Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=4, 25381526].
- Chan HY, Lubchenko V (2015) Pressure in the Landau-Ginzburg functional: Pascal's law, nucleation in fluid mixtures, a
meanfield theory of amphiphilic action, and interface wetting in glassy liquids. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184,
Cited=2, 26429019].
- Golden JC, Ho V, Lubchenko V (2017) The chemical bond as an emergent phenomenon. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184,
Cited=1, 28477586].
- Lukyanov A, Lubchenko V (2017) Amorphous chalcogenides as random octahedrally bonded solids: I. Implications for the
first sharp diffraction peak, photodarkening, and Boson peak. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=0, 28938820].
- Lubchenko V, Kurnosov A (2019) Temperature-driven narrowing of the insulating gap as a precursor of the insulator-to-
metal transition: Implications for the electronic structure of solids. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=0, 31255083].
- He Y, Lubchenko V (2023) Emergence of pseudo-time during optimal Monte Carlo sampling and temporal aspects of symmetry
breaking and restoration. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=0, 37003719].
- Lubchenko V (2008) Competing interactions create functionality through frustration. Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=4, 18669666].
- Lubchenko V (2017) Glass transition imminent, resistance is futile. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of
the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=3, 28320960].
- Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG (2007) Theory of structural glasses and supercooled liquids. Annual Review of Physical
Chemistry. [IF=3.733, Cited=232, 17067282].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG, Frauenfelder H (2005) Mosaic energy landscapes of liquids and the control of protein
conformational dynamics by glass-forming solvents. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=28, 16851860].
- Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG (2004) Theory of aging in structural glasses. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=60, 15291595].
- Lubchenko V, Silbey RJ (2004) Interrupted escape and the emergence of exponential relaxation. Journal of Chemical
Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=1, 15367024].
- Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG (2003) The origin of the boson peak and thermal conductivity plateau in low-temperature glasses.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=34, 12578972].
- Lubchenko V, Wolynes PG (2001) Intrinsic quantum excitations of low temperature glasses. Physical Review Letters.
[IF=2.288, Cited=24, 11690429].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Chan HY, Lankevich V, Vekilov PG, Lubchenko V (2012) Anisotropy of the Coulomb interaction between folded proteins:
consequences for mesoscopic aggregation of lysozyme. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=10, 22768950].
- Eaton WA, Gruebele M, Lubchenko V, Onuchic JN (2013) Tribute to Peter G. Wolynes. Journal of Physical Chemistry B.
[IF=0.893, Cited=0, 24152073].
- Lubchenko V (2012) Correction to "Quantum Phenomena in Structural Glasses: The Intrinsic Origin of Electronic and
Cryogenic Anomalies". Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=0, 26291853].
- Dakhnovskii Y, Lubchenko V, Coalson R (1996) Light Absorption in Strongly Irradiated Long Range Polar Electron Transfer
Systems. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=1, 10062085].