Link, Stephan
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Lim SC, Lo WF, Yang PY, ..., Tuan HY (2018) Au@CdSe heteroepitaxial nanorods: An example of metal nanorods fully covered
by a semiconductor shell with strong photo-induced interfacial charge transfer effects. Journal of Colloid and Interface
Science. [IF=1.419, Cited=2, 30077828].
- Tcherniak A, Reznik C, Link S, Landes CF (2009) Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: criteria for analysis in complex
systems. Analytical Chemistry. [IF=1.41, Cited=27, 19093758].
- Baiyasi R, Gallagher MJ, McCarthy LA, ..., Landes CF (2020) Quantitative Analysis of Nanorod Aggregation and Morphology
from Scanning Electron Micrographs Using SEMseg. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=2, 32463671].
- Reinhardt PA, Crawford AP, West CA, ..., Willets KA (2021) Toward Quantitative Nanothermometry Using Single-Molecule
Counting. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=1, 34723520].
- Pravitasari A, Negrito M, Light K, ..., Batteas JD (2017) Using Particle Lithography to Tailor the Architecture of Au
Nanoparticle Plasmonic Nanoring Arrays. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=3, 28863258].
- Gross N, Kuhs CT, Ostovar B, ..., Landes CF (2023) Progress and Prospects in Optical Ultrafast Microscopy in the Visible
Spectral Region: Transient Absorption and Two-Dimensional Microscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C. [IF=0.853,
Cited=1, 37554548].
- Heiderscheit TS, Oikawa S, Sanders S, ..., Link S (2021) Tuning Electrogenerated Chemiluminescence Intensity Enhancement
Using Hexagonal Lattice Arrays of Gold Nanodisks. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=2, 33667339].
- Searles EK, Gomez E, Lee S, ..., Landes CF (2023) Single-Particle Photoluminescence and Dark-Field Scattering during
Charge Density Tuning. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=2, 36603176].
- Al-Zubeidi A, Wang Y, Lin J, ..., Link S (2023) d-Band Holes React at the Tips of Gold Nanorods. Journal of Physical
Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=3, 37267074].
- Jones A, Searles EK, Mayer M, ..., Landes CF (2023) Active Control of Energy Transfer in Plasmonic Nanorod-Polyaniline
Hybrids. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=0, 37676024].
- De Silva Indrasekara AS, Shuang B, Hollenhorst F, ..., Landes CF (2016) Optimization of Spectral and Spatial Conditions
to Improve Super-Resolution Imaging of Plasmonic Nanoparticles. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158,
Cited=5, 27982600].
- Hoener BS, Zhang H, Heiderscheit TS, ..., Chang WS (2017) Spectral Response of Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles to
Capacitive Charging: Morphology Effects. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=5, 28534621].
- Foerster B, Hartelt M, Collins SSE, ..., Sönnichsen C (2020) Interfacial States Cause Equal Decay of Plasmons and Hot
Electrons at Gold-Metal Oxide Interfaces. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=4, 32216365].
- Hosseini Jebeli SA, West CA, Lee SA, ..., Masiello DJ (2021) Wavelength-Dependent Photothermal Imaging Probes Nanoscale
Temperature Differences among Subdiffraction Coupled Plasmonic Nanorods. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=0, 34061548].
- Lee SA, Kuhs CT, Searles EK, ..., Link S (2023) d-Band Hole Dynamics in Gold Nanoparticles Measured with Time-
Resolved Emission Upconversion Microscopy. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=3, 37023287].
- Byers CP, Hoener BS, Chang WS, ..., Landes CF (2016) Single-Particle Plasmon Voltammetry (spPV) for Detecting Anion
Adsorption. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=13, 27006995].
- Yorulmaz M, Hoggard A, Zhao H, ..., Link S (2016) Absorption Spectroscopy of an Individual Fano Cluster. Nano Letters.
[IF=1.873, Cited=5, 27669356].
- Yi C, Su MN, Dongare PD, ..., Link S (2018) Polycrystallinity of Lithographically Fabricated Plasmonic Nanostructures
Dominates Their Acoustic Vibrational Damping. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=10, 29715035].
- Collins SSE, Searles EK, Tauzin LJ, ..., Landes CF (2020) Plasmon Energy Transfer in Hybrid Nanoantennas. ACS Nano.
[IF=2.423, Cited=3, 33350807].
- Al-Zubeidi A, Stein F, Flatebo C, ..., Link S (2021) Single-Particle Hyperspectral Imaging Reveals Kinetics of Silver
Ion Leaching from Alloy Nanoparticles. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=7, 33886276].
- Oh H, Searles EK, Chatterjee S, ..., Landes CF (2023) Plasmon Energy Transfer Driven by Electrochemical Tuning of
Methylene Blue on Single Gold Nanorods. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=1, 37672688].
- Bian Z, Wallum A, Mehmood A, ..., Gruebele M (2023) Properties of Carbon Dots versus Small Molecules from "Bottom-up"
Synthesis. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=1, 37970787].
- Huang D, Byers CP, Wang LY, ..., Link S (2015) Photoluminescence of a Plasmonic Molecule. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423,
Cited=17, 26165983].
- Dominguez-Medina S, Kisley L, Tauzin LJ, ..., Link S (2016) Adsorption and Unfolding of a Single Protein Triggers
Nanoparticle Aggregation. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=50, 26751094].
- Cai YY, Liu JG, Tauzin LJ, ..., Link S (2018) Photoluminescence of Gold Nanorods: Purcell Effect Enhanced Emission from
Hot Carriers. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=16, 29283248].
- Smith KW, McCarthy LA, Alabastri A, ..., Link S (2018) Exploiting Evanescent Field Polarization for Giant Chiroptical
Modulation from Achiral Gold Half-Rings. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=4, 30403839].
- Bhattacharjee U, West CA, Hosseini Jebeli SA, ..., Masiello DJ (2019) Active Far-Field Control of the Thermal Near-Field
via Plasmon Hybridization. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=2, 31361953].
- Chang WS, Willingham B, Slaughter LS, ..., Link S (2012) Radiative and nonradiative properties of single plasmonic
nanoparticles and their assemblies. Accounts of Chemical Research. [IF=3.533, Cited=17, 22512668].
- Lal S, Hafner JH, Halas N, ..., Nordlander P (2012) Noble metal nanowires: from plasmon waveguides to passive and active
devices. Accounts of Chemical Research. [IF=3.533, Cited=36, 23102053].
- McCarthy LA, Verma O, Naidu GN, ..., Link S (2023) Chiral Plasmonic Pinwheels Exhibit Orientation-Independent Linear
Differential Scattering under Asymmetric Illumination. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 37122830].
- Halas N, Halas NJ, Lal S, ..., Nordlander P (2011) Plasmons in strongly coupled metallic nanostructures. Chemical
Reviews. [IF=11.712, Cited=638, 21542636].
- Tcherniak A, Solis D, Khatua S, ..., Link S (2008) Chain-length dependent nematic ordering of conjugated polymers in a
liquid crystal solvent. Journal of the American Chemical Society. [IF=2.573, Cited=4, 18710232].
- Lan X, Zhou X, McCarthy LA, ..., Link S (2019) DNA-Enabled Chiral Gold Nanoparticle-Chromophore Hybrid Structure with
Resonant Plasmon-Exciton Coupling Gives Unusual and Strong Circular Dichroism. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
[IF=2.573, Cited=9, 31724853].
- Vives G, Guerrero JM, Godoy J, ..., Tour JM (2010) Synthesis of fluorescent dye-tagged nanomachines for single-molecule
fluorescence spectroscopy. Journal of Organic Chemistry. [IF=0.885, Cited=4, 20828172].
- Solis D, Paul A, Chang WS, Link S (2012) Mechanistic study of bleach-imaged plasmon propagation (BlIPP). Journal of
Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=1, 23199213].
- Byers CP, Hoener BS, Chang WS, ..., Landes CF (2014) Single-particle spectroscopy reveals heterogeneity in
electrochemical tuning of the localized surface plasmon. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=23, 24971712].
- Thibodeaux CA, Kulkarni V, Chang WS, ..., Halas NJ (2014) Impurity-induced plasmon damping in individual cobalt-doped
hollow Au nanoshells. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=7, 24921160].
- Landes CF, Link S, Wine PH, Zhang ZJ (2014) 2013 Southeastern Regional ACS Meeting. Nanochemistry and spectroscopy:
symposium honoring Mostafa El-Sayed. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=0, 25495713].
- Chang WS, Link S (2012) Enhancing the Sensitivity of Single-Particle Photothermal Imaging with Thermotropic Liquid
Crystals. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158, Cited=20, 26286788].
- Link S (2014) Surface Plasmons as Versatile Analytical Tools. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. [IF=1.158,
Cited=0, 26278251].
- Dominguez-Medina S, McDonough S, Swanglap P, ..., Link S (2012) In situ measurement of bovine serum albumin interaction
with gold nanospheres. Langmuir. [IF=0.927, Cited=58, 22515552].
- Shuang B, Byers CP, Kisley L, ..., Landes CF (2012) Improved analysis for determining diffusion coefficients from short,
single-molecule trajectories with photoblinking. Langmuir. [IF=0.927, Cited=13, 23215347].
- Khatua S, Chang WS, Swanglap P, ..., Link S (2011) Active modulation of nanorod plasmons. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873,
Cited=24, 21861468].
- Solis D, Willingham B, Nauert SL, ..., Link S (2012) Electromagnetic energy transport in nanoparticle chains via dark
plasmon modes. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=28, 22292470].
- Slaughter LS, Willingham BA, Chang WS, ..., Link S (2012) Toward plasmonic polymers. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=25, 22738257].
- Chang WS, Lassiter JB, Swanglap P, ..., Link S (2012) A plasmonic Fano switch. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=71, 22924610].
- Solis D, Paul A, Olson J, ..., Link S (2013) Turning the corner: efficient energy transfer in bent plasmonic
nanoparticle chain waveguides. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=10, 24020385].
- Yorulmaz M, Nizzero S, Hoggard A, ..., Link S (2015) Single-particle absorption spectroscopy by photothermal contrast.
Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=14, 25849105].
- Chang WS, Slaughter LS, Khanal BP, ..., Link S (2009) One-dimensional coupling of gold nanoparticle plasmons in self-
assembled ring superstructures. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=27, 19193117].
- Slaughter LS, Wu Y, Willingham BA, ..., Link S (2010) Effects of symmetry breaking and conductive contact on the plasmon
coupling in gold nanorod dimers. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=51, 20614909].
- Swanglap P, Slaughter LS, Chang WS, ..., Link S (2011) Seeing double: coupling between substrate image charges and
collective plasmon modes in self-assembled nanoparticle superstructures. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=9, 21561157].
- Fang Y, Chang WS, Willingham B, ..., Link S (2012) Plasmon emission quantum yield of single gold nanorods as a function
of aspect ratio. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=39, 22830934].
- Paul A, Solis D, Bao K, ..., Link S (2012) Identification of higher order long-propagation-length surface plasmon
polariton modes in chemically prepared gold nanowires. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=14, 22900780].
- Chu PLE, Wang LY, Khatua S, ..., Tour JM (2012) Synthesis and single-molecule imaging of highly mobile adamantane-
wheeled nanocars. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=18, 23189917].
- Hoggard A, Wang LY, Ma L, ..., Link S (2013) Using the plasmon linewidth to calculate the time and efficiency of
electron transfer between gold nanorods and graphene. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=36, 24266755].
- Nauert S, Paul A, Zhen YR, ..., Link S (2013) Influence of cross sectional geometry on surface plasmon polariton
propagation in gold nanowires. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=7, 24308802].
- Hastings SP, Swanglap P, Qian Z, ..., Fakhraai Z (2014) Quadrupole-enhanced Raman scattering. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423,
Cited=7, 25157600].
- Khatua S, Guerrero JM, Claytor K, ..., Link S (2009) Micrometer-scale translation and monitoring of individual nanocars
on glass. ACS Nano. [IF=2.423, Cited=13, 19236071].
- Dominguez-Medina S, Blankenburg J, Olson J, ..., Link S (2013) Adsorption of a Protein Monolayer via Hydrophobic
Interactions Prevents Nanoparticle Aggregation under Harsh Environmental Conditions. ACS Sustainable Chemistry and
Engineering. [IF=1.372, Cited=44, 23914342].
- Chang WS, Wen F, Chakraborty D, ..., Link S (2015) Tuning the acoustic frequency of a gold nanodisk through its adhesion
layer. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=14, 25940095].
- Yeom J, Yeom B, Chan H, ..., Kotov NA (2014) Chiral templating of self-assembling nanostructures by circularly polarized
light. Nature Materials. [IF=6.645, Cited=93, 25401922].
- Olson J, Dominguez-Medina S, Hoggard A, ..., Link S (2014) Optical characterization of single plasmonic nanoparticles.
Chemical Society Reviews. [IF=8.116, Cited=86, 24979351].
- Slaughter LS, Wang LY, Willingham BA, ..., Link S (2014) Plasmonic polymers unraveled through single particle
spectroscopy. Nanoscale. [IF=1.162, Cited=8, 25155111].
- Claytor K, Khatua S, Guerrero JM, ..., Link S (2009) Accurately determining single molecule trajectories of molecular
motion on surfaces. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=5, 19405619].
- Heiderscheit TS, Gallagher MJ, Baiyasi R, ..., Link S (2019) Nanoelectrode-emitter spectral overlap amplifies surface
enhanced electrogenerated chemiluminescence. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=2, 31615232].
- Cai YY, Tauzin LJ, Ostovar B, ..., Link S (2021) Light emission from plasmonic nanostructures. Journal of Chemical
Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=3, 34391373].
- Lee SA, Ostovar B, Landes CF, Link S (2022) Spectroscopic signatures of plasmon-induced charge transfer in gold
nanorods. Journal of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=1, 35168347].
- West CA, Lee SA, Shooter J, ..., Masiello DJ (2023) Nonlinear effects in single-particle photothermal imaging. Journal
of Chemical Physics. [IF=1.184, Cited=0, 36641380].
- Chang WS, Ha JW, Slaughter LS, Link S (2010) Plasmonic nanorod absorbers as orientation sensors. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=87, 20133646].
- Chang WS, Willingham BA, Slaughter LS, ..., Link S (2011) Low absorption losses of strongly coupled surface plasmons in
nanoparticle assemblies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765,
Cited=12, 22084069].
- Olson J, Manjavacas A, Liu L, ..., Link S (2014) Vivid, full-color aluminum plasmonic pixels. Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=53, 25225385].
- Hartsfield T, Chang WS, Yang SC, ..., Li X (2015) Single quantum dot controls a plasmonic cavity's scattering and
anisotropy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=7, 26372957].
- Yi C, Dongare PD, Su MN, ..., Link S (2017) Vibrational coupling in plasmonic molecules. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=9, 29078373].
- McCarthy LA, Smith KW, Lan X, ..., Link S (2020) Polarized evanescent waves reveal trochoidal dichroism. Proceedings of
the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=5, 32601234].
- Al-Zubeidi A, Ostovar B, Carlin CC, ..., Link S (2023) Mechanism for plasmon-generated solvated electrons. Proceedings
of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. [IF=2.765, Cited=0, 36626548].
- Cerjan B, Gerislioglu B, Link S, ..., Griep MH (2022) Towards scalable plasmonic Fano-resonant metasurfaces for
colorimetric sensing. Nanotechnology. [IF=0.717, Cited=5, 35732108].
- Byers CP, Zhang H, Swearer DF, ..., Landes CF (2015) From tunable core-shell nanoparticles to plasmonic drawbridges:
Active control of nanoparticle optical properties. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=29, 26665175].
- Foerster B, Spata VA, Carter EA, ..., Link S (2019) Plasmon damping depends on the chemical nature of the nanoparticle
interface. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=23, 30915394].
- Ostovar B, Lee SA, Mehmood A, ..., Link S (2024) The role of the plasmon in interfacial charge transfer. Science
advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=0, 38968358].
- Zhang Q, Hernandez T, Smith KW, ..., Link S (2019) Unraveling the origin of chirality from plasmonic nanoparticle-
protein complexes. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=42, 31604278].
- Dominguez-Medina S, Chen S, Blankenburg J, ..., Link S (2016) Measuring the Hydrodynamic Size of Nanoparticles Using
Fluctuation Correlation Spectroscopy. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. [IF=3.733, Cited=6, 27215820].
- Barbara PF, Chang WS, Link S, ..., Yethiraj A (2007) Structure and dynamics of conjugated polymers in liquid crystalline
solvents. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry. [IF=3.733, Cited=8, 17291185].
- Slaughter LS, Cheung KM, Kaappa S, ..., Weiss PS (2017) Patterning of supported gold monolayers via chemical lift-off
lithography. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology. [IF=0.741, Cited=11, 29259879].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
- Landmann R, Scherer F, Schumann R, ..., Zimmerli W (1995) LPS directly induces oxygen radical production in human
monocytes via LPS binding protein and CD14. Journal of Leukocyte Biology. [IF=1.219, Cited=27, 7533819].
- Link S (1998) William James McGill (1922-1997). Journal of Mathematical Psychology. [IF=1.105, Cited=0, 9606158].
- Link S, Nash TH (1984) The influence of water on CO2 exchange in the lichen Parmelia praesignis Nyl. None.
[IF=None, Cited=1, 28312340].
- Nash TH, Moser TJ, Link S, ..., Matthes U (1983) Lichen photosynthesis in relation to CO2 concentration.
None. [IF=None, Cited=7, 28310646].
- Link S, Häring G, Hedderich J (2000) [Effect of phacoemulsification and posterior chamber lens implantation on
intraocular pressure in patients with and without open-angle glaucoma]. Ophthalmologie. [IF=0.558, Cited=8, 10916382].
- Link S, el-Khoury GY, Guilford WB (1998) Percutaneous epidural and nerve root block and percutaneous lumbar
sympatholysis. Radiologic Clinics of North America. [IF=1.061, Cited=17, 9597069].
- Link S, Chang WS, Yethiraj A, Barbara PF (2006) Anisotropic diffusion of elongated and aligned polymer chains in a
nematic solvent. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=3, 17020364].
- Chang WS, Link S, Yethiraj A, Barbara PF (2007) Single molecule spectroscopy of conjugated polymer chains in an electric
field-aligned liquid crystal. Journal of Physical Chemistry B. [IF=0.893, Cited=6, 17975912].
- Link S, Hu D, Chang WS, ..., Barbara PF (2005) Nematic solvation of segmented polymer chains. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873,
Cited=6, 16159219].
- Tcherniak A, Ha JW, Dominguez-Medina S, ..., Link S (2010) Probing a century old prediction one plasmonic particle at a
time. Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=44, 20196552].
- Solis D, Chang WS, Khanal BP, ..., Link S (2010) Bleach-imaged plasmon propagation (BlIPP) in single gold nanowires.
Nano Letters. [IF=1.873, Cited=14, 20707380].
- Qin W, Wolf P, Liu N, ..., Leonhardt H (2015) DNA methylation requires a DNMT1 ubiquitin interacting motif (UIM) and
histone ubiquitination. Cell Research. [IF=3.826, Cited=125, 26065575].
- Link S, Spitzer RMM, Sana M, ..., Hake SB (2018) PWWP2A binds distinct chromatin moieties and interacts with an
MTA1-specific core NuRD complex. Nature Communications. [IF=3.268, Cited=26, 30327463].
- Leidescher S, Ribisel J, Ullrich S, ..., Solovei I (2022) Spatial organization of transcribed eukaryotic genes. Nature
Cell Biology. [IF=3.908, Cited=22, 35177821].
- Link S, Rampon G, Osmon S, ..., Rumack BH (2021) Fomepizole as an adjunct in acetylcysteine treated acetaminophen
overdose patients: a case series. Clinical Toxicology. [IF=1.508, Cited=5, 34709101].
- Link S, Rampon G, Osmon S, ..., Rumack BH (2021) Reply to Comments on Fomepizole as an adjunct in acetylcysteine treated
acetaminophen overdose patients: a case series. Clinical Toxicology. [IF=1.508, Cited=0, 34937467].
- Gierz I, Calegari F, Aeschlimann S, ..., Cavalleri A (2015) Tracking Primary Thermalization Events in Graphene with
Photoemission at Extreme Time Scales. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=21, 26340199].
- Sforzini J, Hapala P, Franke M, ..., Tautz FS (2016) Structural and Electronic Properties of Nitrogen-Doped Graphene.
Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=7, 27058093].
- Link S, Chang WS, Yethiraj A, Barbara PF (2006) Orthogonal orientations for solvation of polymer molecules in smectic
solvents. Physical Review Letters. [IF=2.288, Cited=4, 16486517].
- Spoerri I, Scherer K, Michel S, ..., Heijnen IAFM (2014) Detection of nickel and palladium contact hypersensitivity by a
flow cytometric lymphocyte proliferation test. Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. [IF=2.698,
Cited=6, 25443647].
- Jeffries DL, Link S, Klopatek JM (1993) CO2 fluxes of cryptogamic crusts: I. Response to resaturation. New
Phytologist. [IF=2.49, Cited=0, 33874607].
- Jeffries DL, Link S, Klopatek JM (1993) CO2 fluxes of cryptogamic crusts: II. Response to dehydration. New
Phytologist. [IF=2.49, Cited=0, 33874495].
- Nigge P, Qu AC, Lantagne-Hurtubise É, ..., Damascelli A (2019) Room temperature strain-induced Landau levels in graphene
on a wafer-scale platform. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=7, 31723598].
- Qu AC, Nigge P, Link S, ..., Damascelli A (2022) Ubiquitous defect-induced density wave instability in monolayer
graphene. Science advances. [IF=2.861, Cited=2, 35675409].
- Gruber HE, King WL, Link S (1963) Moon Illusion: An Event in Imaginary Space. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=3, 17829119].
- Link S, Maas DJHC, Waldburger D, Keller U (2017) Dual-comb spectroscopy of water vapor with a free-running semiconductor
disk laser. Science. [IF=7.729, Cited=24, 28495879].
- Landmann R, Link S, Sansano S, ..., Zimmerli W (1998) Soluble CD14 activates monocytic cells independently of
lipopolysaccharide. Infection and Immunity. [IF=0.766, Cited=20, 9573116].
- Landmann R, Knopf HP, Link S, ..., Zimmerli W (1996) Human monocyte CD14 is upregulated by lipopolysaccharide. Infection
and Immunity. [IF=0.766, Cited=136, 8613389].
- Link S, El-Sayed MA (2002) Optical properties and ultrafast dynamics of metallic nanocrystals. Annual Review of Physical
Chemistry. [IF=3.733, Cited=300, 12626731].
- Gerhard I, Daniel V, Link S, ..., Runnebaum B (1998) Chlorinated hydrocarbons in women with repeated miscarriages.
Environmental Health Perspectives. [IF=2.06, Cited=48, 9755145].
- Pünzeler S, Link S, Wagner G, ..., Hake SB (2017) Multivalent binding of PWWP2A to H2A.Z regulates mitosis and neural
crest differentiation. EMBO Journal. [IF=2.114, Cited=26, 28645917].
- Link S, Erickson SJ, Timins ME (1993) MR imaging of the ankle and foot: normal structures and anatomic variants that may
simulate disease. American Journal of Roentgenology. [IF=1.67, Cited=27, 8352117].
- Humphry R, Link S (1990) Preparation of occupational therapists to work in early intervention programs. American Journal
of Occupational Therapy. [IF=1.315, Cited=2, 1699420].
- Link S, Nayak RP (2020) Review of Rapid Advances in Cystic Fibrosis. None. [IF=None, Cited=3, 33311787].
- Link S, Friedburg DZ, Wood BP (1993) Radiological cases of the month. Pulmonary sling anomaly of the left pulmonary
artery. None. [IF=None, Cited=0, 8506841].
- Link S, Osterhues HH, Erné SN (1998) [Software platform for analysis of electro- and magnetocardiography databanks].
Biomedizinische Technik. [IF=0.631, Cited=0, 9859275].
Publication with MISSING institution:
- Chan WC, Link S, Srinivasan A, ..., Waldmann TA (1989) A T-cell line with an unusual phenotype. Cancer. [IF=2.097,
Cited=0, 2551476].
- Halas N, Halas NJ, Lal S, ..., Nordlander P (2012) A plethora of plasmonics from the laboratory for nanophotonics at
Rice University. Advanced Materials. [IF=4.1, Cited=19, 22858826].
- Bröring M, Krüger R, Link S, ..., Flamigni L (2008) Bis(BF2)-2,2'-bidipyrrins (BisBODIPYs): highly fluorescent BODIPY
dimers with large stokes shifts. Chemistry - A European Journal. [IF=0.899, Cited=59, 18306269].
- Bröring M, Köhler S, Link S, ..., Krüger HJ (2008) Iron chelates of 2,2'-bidipyrrin: stable analogues of the labile iron
bilins. Chemistry - A European Journal. [IF=0.899, Cited=3, 18335441].
- Landmann R, Schaub B, Link S, Wacker HR (1997) Unaltered monocyte function in patients with major depression before and
after three months of antidepressive therapy. Biological Psychiatry. [IF=2.412, Cited=25, 9066991].
- Wang J, Link S, Heyes CD, El-Sayed MA (2002) Comparison of the dynamics of the primary events of bacteriorhodopsin in
its trimeric and monomeric states. Biophysical Journal. [IF=0.842, Cited=18, 12202380].
- Marcinkeviciene J, Rogers MJ, Kopcho L, ..., Copeland RA (2000) Selective inhibition of bacterial dihydroorotate
dehydrogenases by thiadiazolidinediones. Biochemical Pharmacology. [IF=1.155, Cited=18, 10856428].
- Lee SA, Link S (2021) Chemical Interface Damping of Surface Plasmon Resonances. Accounts of Chemical Research.
[IF=3.533, Cited=11, 33788547].
- Ostovar B, Su MN, Renard D, ..., Link S (2020) Acoustic Vibrations of Al Nanocrystals: Size, Shape, and Crystallinity
Revealed by Single-Particle Transient Extinction Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=4, 32286064].
- Alexandrova AN, Biteen JS, Coriani S, ..., Shea JE (2023) Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry
Volume 2. Journal of Physical Chemistry A. [IF=0.841, Cited=0, 37915218].
- Schatz G, Schatz GC, McCoy AB, ..., Zwier T (2019) The JPC Periodic Table. Journal of Physical Chemistry A.
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