Liden, Tiffany
Publication with MATCHING institution:
- Emmons RV, Liden T, Schug K, Gionfriddo E (2020) Optimization of thin film solid phase microextraction and data
deconvolution methods for accurate characterization of organic compounds in produced water. Journal of Separation
Science. [IF=0.869, Cited=1, 32100939].
- Anderson HE, Liden T, Berger BK, Schug K (2021) Target profiling of beer styles by their iso-α-acid and phenolic content
using liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight-mass spectrometry. Journal of Separation Science. [IF=0.869,
Cited=2, 34013669].
- Zanella D, Liden T, York J, ..., Schug K (2021) Exploiting targeted and untargeted approaches for the analysis of
bacterial metabolites under altered growth conditions. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. [IF=0.919, Cited=1, 34254157].
- Zanella D, Anderson HE, Selby T, ..., Schug K (2020) Comparison of headspace solid-phase microextraction high capacity
fiber coatings based on dual mass spectrometric and broadband vacuum ultraviolet absorption detection for untargeted
analysis of beer volatiles using gas chromatography. Analytica Chimica Acta. [IF=1.176, Cited=2, 33248666].
- Anderson HE, Liden T, Berger BK, ..., Schug K (2021) Profiling of contemporary beer styles using liquid chromatography
quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, multivariate analysis, and machine learning techniques. Analytica Chimica
Acta. [IF=1.176, Cited=0, 34119014].
- Hildenbrand ZL, Santos IC, Liden T, ..., Schug K (2018) Characterizing variable biogeochemical changes during the
treatment of produced oilfield waste. Science of the Total Environment. [IF=2.026, Cited=3, 29710650].
- Liden T, Santos IC, Hildenbrand ZL, Schug K (2018) Treatment modalities for the reuse of produced waste from oil and gas
development. Science of the Total Environment. [IF=2.026, Cited=3, 29936154].
- Liden T, Carlton DD, Miyazaki S, ..., Schug K (2018) Forward osmosis remediation of high salinity Permian Basin produced
water from unconventional oil and gas development. Science of the Total Environment. [IF=2.026, Cited=1, 30408671].
- Liden T, Carlton DD, Miyazaki S, ..., Schug K (2019) Comparison of the degree of fouling at various flux rates and modes
of operation using forward osmosis for remediation of produced water from unconventional oil and gas development.
Science of the Total Environment. [IF=2.026, Cited=3, 31026645].
- Emmons RV, Shyam Sunder GS, Liden T, ..., Gionfriddo E (2022) Unraveling the Complex Composition of Produced Water by
Specialized Extraction Methodologies. Environmental Science & Technology. [IF=2.052, Cited=1, 35080868].
Publication with MISMATCHING institution:
Publication with MISSING institution: